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Clinical Research Of Perfusion Weighted MR Imaging In Hepatic Familiar Disease

Posted on:2008-01-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J G HaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2144360215463682Subject:Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
【bjective】The aim of this study was to expore the value of perfusion weighted MRimaging to the diagnosis and differentiation of hepatic diseases and the value ofclinical application by analysising the charater of perfusion weighted MR imagingand the imaging appearance at perfusion imaging of the different hepatic diseases【aterials and Methods】PWI was performed in 92 patients including 28 Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), 12 metastases, 10 hemangioma, 4 hepatocellular adenoma, 8abscess, 10 hepatic cirrhosis and 20 twenty patients without any obvious hepatic disorderrs and malignant tumors the perfusion parameters was calculated by correction calculation method depending on the appearance of the lesion; perfusion imagings werereconstructed for every patients.【Result】1. HCC: The cancer had similar appearance of PWI, the TSCs of most themwere quickly rise and fall or quickly rise and slowly fall, but a few of them quicklyrise and slowly rise. HAP of the cancer focus and the tumor embolisms obviouslyincreased, but PVP of them obviously decreased. 2.Metastases : The TSC, Perfusionparameters and appearance at the perfusion images of hypovascular metastases wasslowly rise, and the base-line, the rise slope and its amplitude were very lower thanthat of hepatic parenchyma, TLP, PVP and PPI of the hypovascular metastases wereobviously lower than that of hepatic parenchyma and normal liver, but HAP wasslightly higher. 3. Hepatic cirrhosis: The TSC of hepatic parenchyma of cirrhosis wasslowly rise, the rise slope and its amplitude were lower than that of normal liver. TLPand PVP were obviously lower than that of normal liver, HAP and HPI ware increased than that of normal liver, 4.Hemangioma: The TSC of the perfusion area ofhemangioma was quickly rise and slowly fall or slowly rise and slowly fall, the riseslope and its amplitude were obviously greater than that of hepaticparenchyma. HAP,TLP and HPI were obviously higher than that of hepatic parenchyma and normalliver, but PVP and PPI were very lower. 5.Abscess: The TSC of the lesion and thevicinity area was quickly rise and slowly rise, HAP gradually decreased within thethree area between the lesion, the vicinity area and the parenchyma, but PVPguadually increased within them. 6.hepatocellular adenoma: The TSC of thehepatocellular adenoma was quickly rise and slowly fall or quickly rise and slowlyfall. the rise slope and its amplitude were similar than spleen. HAP was obviouslyincreased than that of hepatic parenchyma and normal liver.【conclusion】perfusion weighted MR imaging in hepatic familiar disease have nowound, fast, safety of the examination method, which can accurately reflect betweenthe hemodynamic change of lesions and anatomic structure, which is very useful forthe diagnosis of the hepatic diseases, so PWI has very important clinical applicationvalue.
Keywords/Search Tags:liver, perfusion, magnetic resonance imaging, familiar disease
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