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An Epidemioligical Analysis Of 220 Cases Of Keratoplasty

Posted on:2007-02-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L JiangFull Text:PDF
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Purpose To investigate and analyze the An Epidemioligicalcharacteristics of patients who received keratoplasty in our hospitalfrom December 2000 to January 2005,and compare it with the similarstudies from domestic and abroad.Methods 220 cases were selected for keratoplasty after meetingspecific criteria. A retrospective study of records was conducted.Results A total of 220 cases were performed on 144 male and 76female patients during that period. The mean age of patients was38.0±16.9 year(range 1~73). The main age distribut was middle age.Manual worker was the main job distribution. The leadingetiopathogenisis for keratoplasty was corneal scar (34.1%), whichincluded 28(37.3%) cases of corneal scar after viral keratitis , 23(30.7%) cases of corneal scar after external injury , 2(2.7%)cases ofscar after bacterial keratitis and 22(29.3%) cases of agnogenic cornealscar. The second etiopathogenisis was infectious keratitis. Mycoticcorneal ulcer (28%) was the most common subcategory among theeyes with infectious keratitis followed by agnogenic keratitis (16%)andviral keratitis (16%), bacterial keratitis(12%). Other indications, inorder of decreasing frequency, were corneal chemical or thermal burnin 19(8.6%) cases, repeat keratoplastyin 18 (8.2%) cases, keratoconusin 14 (6.4%) cases, bullous keratopathy in 12 (5.5%) cases, cornealdystrophies or degeneration in 11(5%) cases, dermoid tumor in 10(4.5%) cases. The follow-up of the patients ranged from two months tofour years. 191 (83%) corneal grafts remained clear, of which 31were corneal dystrophies or degeneration and keratoconus.Conclusion In our hospital, corneal scar was the most commonetiopathogenisis for keratoplasty and gradually declined. Infectiouscorneal disease became the leading etiopathogenisis in the past 2 years.Our conclusions differed from the conclusions offered by thedeveloped areas in the world, where bullous keratopathy orkeratoconus was the case. A similar result was also found in reportsfrom India and Taiwan. The indications for keratoplasty vary indifferent regions of our country, but corneal scar and infectious cornealdisease are major etiopathogenisis. Keratoplasty is an effective meansto treat corneal scar and infectious corneal disease. Bullouskeratopathy is the leading indication of developed country. With thedevelopment of surgical instruments, bullous keratopathy of ourcountry was a increasing trend. Penetrating keratoplasty is the capitaltherapeutic method of the bullous keratopathy. The main age distributwas middle age. Manual worker was the main job distribution. Theincidence of corneal diseases are related with the factors ofcircumstance and occupation. Although the surgical results in childrenare poorer than that in adults. From the concern of prevention ofamblyopia and cosmetic problem,it is necessary to perform theoperation earlier.
Keywords/Search Tags:keratoplasty, epidemiology
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