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Orthotherapy And Therapeutic Effect Of Congenital Absence Of Vagina

Posted on:2007-01-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2144360182496893Subject:Clinical Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Object: To retrieve the defect of congenital absence of vagina,find out the best Orthotherapy approach for congenital absence ofvagina. Methods: compared clinical record of 36 patients who acceptedvaginoplasty with ileal using vaginal stents with 72 patients whoaccepted vaginoplasty using other approach, and give analyses for thereason. Results: 108 patients have accepted vaginoplasty in all by sixways, the patients who have accepted vaginoplasty with ileal accountfor 33.3%, is most. vaginoplasty with ileal is difficult to operatecompared with vestibulum membrane vahinoplasty, but healing timeis very short, and the function and appearance is better. Hospital timeis also shorter than other way. Observation by 14, 30, 90, 365daysafter operation of ileal vaginoplasty, the transplanted ileum take well.Mucosa is moist and slide, rosy, full of elasticity, had plica and ivorywhite secretion, had no off-flavor;depth of reconstructed vigina ismore than 10cm, can hold Φ=3.0m glass model. The clinicalfollow-up visiting results showed that satisfaction rate of ilealvahinoplasty is the first reached 80%, the second is vestibulummembrane vahinoplasty reached 68%. The clinical follow-up visitingresults of labium flap vahinoplasty is the lowest(33%), the reasonmaybe that blood circulation of ileum is abundant, stoma healsquickly, affects bowel evacuation habit little, mesenterium is free,tension for putting down is very little.Conclusions: 1. The vigina reconstructed by vaginoplasty usinga vascularized pedicled ileal flap is broad and damp, had no redundantmucous secretion, had no off-flavor, with high satisfaction rate forsexual life, is worth extending.2. Fundamental procedure that we had summarized is theprinciple that should be obtained when vaginoplasty using avascularized pedicled ileal flap.3. Postoperative tooting changing, postoperative care andnutritional support is necessary for the success of ileal viginoplasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Orthotherapy
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