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Clinical Case Analysis Of Giant Aneurysm

Posted on:2006-05-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H B MaFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective: We learn the pathology, clinical presentation, radiologicaldiagnosis, surgical management of giant aneurysms by the clinical analysis.Method: We inquired for the medical history, examined the patient, then theexaminations of CT of head, DSA, so we defined his diagnosis. When hiscondition got better, he would be operated. Result: postoperative cerebral angiography proved that the aneurysmwas disappear and that ICA was protected completely. The patientrecovered well and no complication occurred. When he was followed 6months, he had restored to normal life. Conclusion: Treatment of giant aneurysms is more hazardous thanthat of ordinary aneurysms. Indications for treatment must be based on thenatural history. The prognosis of symptomatic giant aneurysms is betterknown to be very grave, so a very effort should be made to treat it, exceptfor the patient with advanced age or poor medical condition. The naturalhistory of asympotomatic giant aneurysms is not well known, so whether ornot treatment should be offered to these patients depends on a variety offactors such as the age and general health of patient, the size and locationof aneurysms, and anticipated safety of surgical treatment. The surgicalmanagement of giant aneurysms includes direct obliteration, wrappingproximal or/and distal arterial occlusion, extra-intra cranial bypass withligation of parent artery, and endovascular treat and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:giant aneurysm, pathology, treatment
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