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The Research About The Relationship Between The Concentration Of Estrogen In Serum And Hemangioma

Posted on:2006-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C F DongFull Text:PDF
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Estrogen is a kind of steroid hormone that can produce many biological functions. It is mainly secreted by ovary. Adrenal and spermary can secret a litter. Because of ovary and spermary not developing in babyhood, the estrogen in serum is mainly from adrenal, and the low level of estrogen persists until prepuberty. The estrogen is consist of estradiol, estriol, and estrone. The estradiol produces the most actively biological function, subsequent is estriol, and the last is estrone. According to recent research, estrogen produces biological function through combining the estrogen receptor. The estrogen receptor consists of two subtypes. They are ERαand ER. The difference of amino acid in the estrogen receptor results in the specific of cell and promoter of transcription activity, and the different reactivity to adapter factor. So they produce the different biological activities. In general, the function of ERαis mainly in the process of hyperplasia and histogeny of cell and tissue. While the function of ERβis mainly in the development of ovum and born, and anti-hyperplasia of cell. The biological action of estrogen: estrogen can stimulate the development of female reproduction system, and the appearance of female subsidiary feature. At the same time, estrogen also can affect the cardiac system and metabolism, such as: 1. Stimulating the syntheses of protein and promoting development. 2. Stimulating the activity of born cell, accelerate the growth of born. 3.improving the concentration of AI, and decreasing the concentration of cholesterol. 4. Keeping the normal structure of skin and vascular. 5. regulating the sympathetic activity to sinew, and so on. Hemangioma is the commonest benign tumor in the infancy and childhood. Its morbidity is about 1%—2%. It can occur in each part of the body, especially in the skin and hypoderm. Secondly hemangioma can be found in the trunk and limb. The basic structure of hemangioma is made up of expansive hyperplasia blood vessels, or tine and cavity filled with blood capillary, fibroblast tissue and fat forming the interval supporting structure. Its major character is the endothelial cell proliferation of blood capillary. Its natural course includes proliferating phase, resting phase and extinctive phase. Hemangioma is divided into capillary hemangioma, cavernous hemangioma, racemosum hemangioma, and mixed hemangioma in the past. Mulliken and Glowacki divided hemangioma into genuine hemangioma and vas deformation in 1984, according to the clinical symptom and pathology. According to the standard, only the capillary hemangioma and mixed hemangioma belong to the genuine hemangioma.Capillary hemangioma has a character of fast growth, especially in the first year after born. Though hemangioma is a kind of benign tumor, it can destroy the tissue around. Some hemangiomas appear to invading growth, and make cosmetology defect. Especially most hemangiomas occur in head and face, so hemangioma can bring great mental load. It is unknown about the clear pathogenesis of capillary hemangioma. Recent research shows: the serum estrogen concentration of hemangioma infant is much higher than that of normal infant; estrogen can stimulate the reproduction of tumor cell; It is reported that capillary hemangioma may be a kind of tumor that can secret some hormone. But we can't make sure if the high estrogen concentration of hemangioma infant is from hemangioma. To be clear about the resource of the high concentration estrogen, we devise the theme: testing the estrogen concentration before and after operation; testing the expression of ER to calculate the concentration of estrogen which is band to ER. Through the experiment, we can conclude if the hemangioma is the resource of estrogen in serum. Objective: the objective of the subject is to research the reason why the estrogen concentration of hemangioma infant is obviously higher than that of normal, make sure relationship between hemangioma and estrogen, provide the theory for the treatment of hemangioma, and offer the norm that can access the ef...
Keywords/Search Tags:hemangiopma, estrogen, estrogen receptor, the estrogen concentration in serum, ectopic endocrine tumor
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