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Distribution Of Dendritic Cells In The Conducting Airways Of Normal Of Asthmatic Mice And Influence Of Dexamethasone On Dendritic Cells

Posted on:2002-07-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z M ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2144360032952896Subject:Respiratory medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Disinhiiion ofDendritic Cells in the Conducting Aiivays ofNoimal or Asthmatic Mice and influence ofDexamethasone on Dendritic Cells Oteclives 1. To study densii, 1oj and distnljuiicn ofdxftiiic cells inihe king u-ichya and conducting ays of niic 2 Th study ff distnbution of didritic cells intiie king and conducting ays of mouse and tiie change ofakway hepithelial ddtific cells a1teqxaireto dexamethasone. 3. To study disinlxition andxctuitimtofdondtitic cells inihe conducdng akvvays of asthmatic mice Melhods 1. The pulmouaty and tracheal samples ofBALBIc mice were collected. Rat anti nouse deridtitic cell monoclciial antibody (NLDC-145?, goat anti tat JgG- HRP and DAB-staining techiquc were used to ddecfive DC, fLumore, tmnsmissicin electixxt micnme and computer iniage analysis were applied to analyses ile nixpholo of deMitic cells 2. BALB/c mice were dMded into two g and couttinl ginq puliixinaty and tracheal samples were collected. Rat anti mouse dtiifc cell (NLDC-145), goat anti tat IgG- HRP and DAB-staining technique were used to detective DC, ffitermote, tnmmissim elec micxxscqe and computer hinge analysis were applied in this study. 3. BALB/c mice were dMded into three gt: asdrna gtoq, group and control group. Pulmcmy and tracheal samples were collected Rat anti mouse chtdritic cell (MDC-145), gcet anti rat Ig&HRP and DAB-staining technique were used to detect DC; furthermore, Transmission electron m ctoseqJe and computer image analysis were applied indiis study. [Rsuks1 1. Endriiic cells in tracheal, bronchiole and alveolar wall whole nmnts were revealed by horseradish oxidase staining using if ie NLDC-145 monoclonal antibody. 2. dendritic cells in tracheal bttnchiole and alveolar whole mounts were revealed by hisetadlish poxidase staining using the NLDC-145 monoclonal antibody. In ccotrol mice, a dense network ofNLDC- 145 cells id tcal hanch tee-like moqs were observed (the large aitwtys conducting to the small airway conducting. 500 ?7Cke1ls? ?20/nm2 epithelial mucca , mean n=7). In mice treated with dexameihasone the dense network of NLDC-145 DC cells was dowmtegLdated (the large afrway conducting to the small airway conducting: 200 3(kellsI mm2-40 + 10/flm2 epithelial mucca, mean ?SErvl, rr=7). Compoted to the control mice, the amounts of MLC-145 DC were obviously lowered and 4 morpholog of derrdritic cells was non-typicaL 3. We demonstrated That all inUacpilhelial NLDC-145 staining tiaoughou the respiratory tee in the control mice cotild be accounted by a network of cells with derKiritic cell motilo The density of derrdritic cells varies fiom 500?7/ nm2 sude in the large airways, to a dense network of NLDC-1451DC 60?20/nm2 epidrellal surle in the small airways (mean EM, n=7 N)05). By the transmission electron nctzqx, we could observe the nanow and long the pvcess ofthederidridcdll (z4Opm), edtoeethebhteckgrantilesinthe cytoplasma of the derxhitic cell; Computed to the control mice, The amounts of NLDC-1451DC were obviously up-tegdated in the conducting airways of the asthmatic mice(P0.002). A Icr expostie to dexamethasone, the amounts ofNLDC- 1451DC were obviously domtegdated in the conducting airays of the asthmatic mice(P0.003). Conclusion 1. Edritic cells consist of a complete NJJDC-1451DC network and have the typical dendridc motpholoj in the whole pulmonary of the mice. 2. IIdritic cells consist of a complete NLDC-l45 DC network in the whole ptilmonaryc dexamethasone down-regulated the mounts of the derrdritic cells and c...
Keywords/Search Tags:Dendriticcell, lung asthma, dexamethasone, Immunohistochemistry, electronmicroscope
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