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Study Of The Prevention And Treatment Mechanism Of Selenium On Experimental Diabetes

Posted on:2002-09-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X P ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2144360032450899Subject:Nutritional physiology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Dhoetes mcllitos (DM), cspccially noninsulin-dcPcndcnt diabctcs nlellitllsW,and imPaircd glucosc tolcrancc(IGT) bccomc moc and morc with thcWence o1 material,Which is thrOatohag the health ot haman. Ot all the causes,oxulatfor stres8 is emPhasized .Man researches reveal there are low antioxidathestatUs and increase Of oXygen hec radicals(OM). So it is possible that oxidativestr0ss plays a role in the occtrrence and develoPmellt of DM an IGTSe1etliutn is t1le active cot'lpotlett of attioxidat1t etlrytt1e--GSHWX. SeIetliut'l8uPplereontation can edancc it's activity and reduce the damage of Ong. Selcoiumal8o ha8 insulin-like action8, whch can Promoto the sensfority of o%an8 and ti8suesto insulin. So it mny havc some cffcCt to Prerent or orc IGT and NIDDM withseleniUm.Objectivcs:l. TL buil'l and anhoal modcl wiIh NIDDM likc human,2. To StUdy the Pleventiv cffeGt Of selcaiun oll IGT,3. TO StUdy thc Prcot and trcatmnt cffcct of sclcniUm on NIDDM.'1to stUdy consi8ted of tWo exPchods in which adult hea1thy malc C57BL/6Jndce were uscd. Total expethent lastcd l2 weeks.Method8:IGT intforg eXPerimot:Cttmp O: 8ivetl l'l'di,laly diet a'd d1itlki'lg c1eatl watel:GrOuP IIF: giVe hghdet diet and drining clean waertw FSE: givea highAn diet suPPlemented WAn sel0nium nd drinkingclean wateLMie'8 bOdy wcgh fasting blood glucose and plasma TG wcre Obsmed, andOGTT was pchrmed at the end Of 4 weeks. Blood wa8 collectOd fOr measuremot OfMDA, GSHPX a'd caIciuttl itl caytll1t'gh.W inboning experiment:3W O: ghn ordinny diet and drinking clean wateLGrOUDM: glvn high-f a diet during the whole exPeriment. STZ wasiniected at the end of 4 weeks.GrOUP DMSE: givn hpet diet during the bebe 4 weeks and injectedwith STZ at the end of 4 weeks and givn hbode diet8ItPplrmon1cd wilh 8cleniIlm dIIring lhe lasl' 4 wecks.ffec's body wcwhl, fasthe blood gltroose werc observcd. OGTT wa8Ned at the end of 4 week8. Bloo4 kidney and liver wee cOllected fOrmcasurrmod of MDA, GSHTh, ET and insulin. Sclcnium contonts in hcins andplasma werc also Obained.Re8ults:IGT intervenin exPerimnt: There was no 8ghcan dchmee amOng groedcOndiIions of Iforc grottPs. IGT aPPcarc'l in highAsI' groIlP. SulcniIun twoved ruoaused by W-f a and eulWhed pla8nu Grm and ltduced MDA.M Wg exPdsen: There was no striilicant diforence amongH conditons oIthrce grOuPs. MiGe 1trd with highch dist and injected with STZeme4ed with N'IDDM. SuPplementation Of selenium le88ened the symPtoms ofW sedcantiy W not hOforng uP N'IDDM.Conclu8ion8:1. Hg11det diet wt11 STZ cat1 1'ui1d ro tnode1;2. Seleniwn can prot IGT3. scleniUm can tw ~om8 otN'IDDM ndce;4. 'lbe mechhosm Of 8elhaUm lies in it'8 cffect of antioaldatw and insulin-like action.
Keywords/Search Tags:selenlum, DM, oxidative stress, GSH-PX, MDA, ET, free calcium inerythrocyte
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