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Flowering Time Regulation Of The Freesia And The Analysis Of The Change Of The Plants' DNA Methylation

Posted on:2011-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2143360305989138Subject:Cell biology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper studied the effects on Freesia's flowering period by different size corms, planting time, temperature, different combinations of 5-azacytidine(5-azaC), chilling, gibberellins(GA) and Ethrel. This paper employed the method of MSAP to detect the changes of DNA methylation level of those plants that can promote flowering.The results showed: the bolting and flowering time of the big and middle corm came earlier than the small; planting time doesn't affect the bolting and flowering time; different temperatures affect the bolting and flowering time to some degree, with 12℃chilling treatment for 50 days (12℃(50d)), the bolting and flowering time came 7.7 and 10.3 days earlier respectively; 4℃(50d) didn't affect the time; when the corms were soaked in 45mg/kg gibberllin or 55mg/kg ethrel for 24hr before the 50 days'12℃chilling, the bolting and flowering time with 12℃(50d)+GA(45mg/kg) came 28.5days and 20.1days earlier respectively, with 12℃(50d)+Ethrel(55mg/kg) came 22.3 days and 12.8 days earlier respectively, when the corms were soaked in 45mg/kg gibberllin for 24hr after 55mg/kg ethrel for 24hr before the 50 days'12℃chilling, with 12℃(50d)+GA(45mg/kg)+Ethrel(55mg/kg) came 27.5 days and 16.3 days earlier; when the corms were soaked respectively in 20mg/L,50mg/L and 80mg/L 5-azacytidine for 120 hr before the 50 days'12℃chilling, the bolting and flowering time with12℃(50d)+5-azaC(20mg/L)came 33.5 days and 22.7days earlier respectively, with 12℃(50d)+5-azaC(50mg/L)came 35.5 days and 28.2 days earlier respectively, with 12℃(50d)+ 5-azaC(80mg/L)came 27.7 days and 17.9 days earlier; when the corms were solely soaked in 20mg/L,50mg/L and 80mg/L 5-azacytidine for 120 hr, no effects were found on the bolting and flowering time.The DNA methylation levels on average of those flowering - promoting treatments -12℃(50d)+GA(45mg/kg),12℃(50d)+Ethrel(55mg/kg),12℃(50d)+GA(45mg/kg)+ Ethrel(55mg/kg),12℃(50d)+5-azaC(50mg/L),12℃(50d)-are14.27%,13.33%, 13.98%, 13.33% and 13.20%, all of which are higher than the CK 12.22%.
Keywords/Search Tags:Freesia, corms, DNA methylation, vernilization, bolting and flowering
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