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The Design And Exploitation Of "Artificial Insemination Technology In Cattle & Buffaloes" Network Courseware For The Grassroots Breeders

Posted on:2009-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2143360245467865Subject:Animal breeding and genetics and breeding
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The artificial insemination (AI) technology in cattle and buffalo is a very important reproductive technology in the breed improvement in farm animals. This technology can greatly enhance bull's reproductive performance, speeds up the process of breed improvement and greatly increase the productivity in cattle and buffaloes. By the works of scientists in reproduction for generations, the AI technology has become a matured technology and with an entity and system knowledge. Because the technology is much complex, it demand the technicians master every operation steps and carefully work to guarantee a high conception rate in practice. Because of the training ways and the characteristics of reproductive physiology in cattle and buffaloes, it is difficult in learning and mastering the AI technology for some less education personnel for a long time and this also block the application of the AI technology in undeveloped regions.Computer, network and information technologies have been made great progress in recent years and this fast change the ways of traditional human life, work and study. The ways traditional teaching and training are face to face and limited in classroom. These ways are limited by the factors of time, space and so on and can not meet the demand of education training in modern information society. For the 21 century education, developing network education by internet will utilize all education resources and teach the persons who keen on knowledge by a lively way and also resolve some problems in the traditional teaching and training.Considering the situation of present breed improvement in Guangxi, the shortages of traditional training in AI personnel and the reproductive physiological characteristics in cattle and buffaloes, the design and exploitation of "ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION TECHNOLOGY IN CATTLE & BUFFALO"network courseware for the grassroots breeders had been set as a project in 2006 by the Guangxi science and technology department. The main design persons began to work in July, 2006.The great advantages of computer, network and information technologies had been full applied in the courseware by the integration of all variety texts, pictures, video and animation by the multimedia in order to make the courseware vivid. In the courseware a general introduction were firstly gave on the theories of characteristics of reproductive physiology, physiological function, reproductive hormones and reproductive cycles and so on; and then the AI practical operation, semen collection and storage, estrus detection and control, pregnancy diagnosis, fertilization and early embryo development, parturition and midwifery, management of reproduction, and the fields which have been made fast progress in recent years such as the embryo transfer and OPU were system discussed in chapters and sections; and in the final part the improvement fertility in cattle and buffalo and the clinical diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases in reproductive tract were introduced in detail.In the design and exploitation of the courseware "AI technology in cattle and buffaloes" the new theories, new techniques, new experiences and all knowledge which would benefit the courseware were adopt for meeting the new era and the practical situation and production needs for the work of breed improvement in Guangxi were also considered. The prominent points in the courseware were simple, practical, fit for application and easy for study and understanding. The most outstanding point was it performed the teaching and training by the "Flash" animation and video. This was much difficult to be seen in traditional AI training. This was also a breakthrough on learning AI technology.A hope is that people can master related knowledge on cattle and buffalo AI, some understanding of reproductive physiology and related reproductive technologies and more expectation is who will be directed in his AI practice by joining in the courseware!...
Keywords/Search Tags:multimedia technology, AI technology, network courseware, grassroots breeders, network education
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