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Research In The Effects Of Salt Stress On The Main Elements And Morphological Structure Of Leaves And Roots In Ginkgo Bilobo L.

Posted on:2009-03-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B PanFull Text:PDF
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In Ginkgo biloba L., Fozhi , the main seed-purpose leading cultivars, were used as materials, after the Ginkgo grow to seven leaves in the basin, and then through the treating of GB and With different concentrations of NaCl. At last, according to the time to take ginkgo leaves and roots, then determine the main elements of leaves in Ginkgo and roots'ultrastructure. The above research results are described as follows:1,With the increase of salt concentration, the content of Na~+ and K~+ in absorbing roots of Ginkgo first increase, than decline, and in the 0.3% rose fastest; But dealing with the concentration of 0.4% and 0.5%, the contents of Na~+ and K~+ in Ginkgo's roots are significantly decreased. And the S, Cl, Ca has also first increase, and then declining; The absorption of Al, Si, P have no clear laws; The absorption of Cu's absorption basically did not.2,(1) The leaf of Ginkgo can perspire wax, and the wax is distribute with grain at the top and bottom epidermis. The amount of the wax reached 6.61% on the leaf; (2)There are many elements of salt in the wax. Among them the amount of Ai and Si are both the largest, desperately, the weight of Al can reach 1.20% and Si can reach 1.07% , and the amount of Al is 5.7 times more than leaf tissue and the amount of Si is 7.1 times more than leaf tissue. Na,Mg,K,Co,Mn,Cl and other elements also have obvious peak-end;(3)In the wax ,the amount of Rb reached 7.19% .3,(1)With the increase of salt concentration, the content of Na~+ in the palisade of Ginkgo seedlings tissue is also corresponding increase, while the content of K~+ first increase, than decline; (2)With a high concentration of (0.5%) NaCl processing for eight and sixteen days, the content of Mg, P and S in palisade tissue of Ginkgo seedlings all show a declined trend and lower than CK clearly; (3)The content of Na~+ and K~+ in the wax of Ginkgo changes basically the same with the mesophyll.4,(1)After GB pretreatment, compared with 0.5% NaCl processing, the content of Na~+ in palisade tissue is significant declined, while the content of K~+ were significantly increased;(2)After GB pretreatment, compared with 0.5% NaCl processing, the trends and changes of Na~+/K~+ in waxy of ginkgo leaf epidermis are the same in palisade tissue; (3)After GB pretreatment on ginkgo seedlings, and in processing later period, the Na~+/K~+ in waxy marked increase in the ratio.5,With the increase of NaCl concentration, the soluble sugar gradually increase in the leaf of Ginkgo, Its content was significantly higher than CK, Especially in the 0.3% and 0.4% NaCl concentration, the content of soluble sugar is far more than CK. With the extension of time, the content of soluble sugar in Ginkgo leaves are also increased. In addition, under the pretreatment of betaine, the content of soluble sugar in Ginkgo leaf was lower than the corresponding(0.5%NaCl treating).Ginkgo may be in this condition to alleviate stress and consumption of the soluble sugar, so that the content of the soluble sugar is lower.6,Without the salt stress, cell structural integrity; with low concentration (0.1%, 0.2%) on absorbing roots, the cell has less affected; with moderate concentration (0.3%)on absorbing roots, a small portion of mitochondria has changed, mainly for the disappearing of the mitochondrial ridge, and appeared starch grain and plastoglobule; cell membrane becomes blurred, but chromatin is still clearly visible; the partial of cell membrane occurred invagination, and includes bubble-like structure;the vacuole vesicles are found in the root cells, located in the vicinity of tonoplast, and it may be caused by invagination of tonoplast; with high concentration (0.4%, 0.5%) on absorbing roots, cell presents the plasmolysis phenomenon, the nuclear membrane further destructed, a portion of mitochondria starts disintegration. These results indicate that the cell damage is closely related to NaCl concentration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ginkgo biloba L., Salt stress, Ultrastructure, Betaine
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