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Study On Classification And Species Diversity Of Soil Ciliates In The Scenic Spots And Historic Sites Of Maijishan

Posted on:2008-09-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The results of classification and species diversity in Scenic Spots and Historic Sites of Maijishan were concluded in this paper. 83 species of ciliates, including 1 new species and 8 new domestic recorded species of soils ciliates were identified. They were belonging to 1 phylum, 3 classes, 6 subclasses, 11 orders, 31 families and 45 genera.Distributions of soil ciliates in 13 sampling sites were studied. 50 species in Maijishancanglongling sites were most abundant, then 46 species were distributed in Tuqiaofenshuiling sites. 30, 27 and 29 species were distributed respectively in Quxitieshuliang, Mujitan and Xianrenhuzhaoze. The results showed that there was closer relationship between distribution of species numbers and microhabitat conditions in sample sites.The results of analyses on community composition of soil ciliates in the Maijishan area showed that the most important groups were Hypotrichida, Prostomatida and Colpodida. Three dominant groups accounting for 70% of the total species .There were 17 genara among Hypotrichida were found.The results of comparative studies on density of ciliates in soil samples of the Scenic Spots and Historic Sites of Maijishan showed that density of soil ciliates were obvious difference in each soil samples. But the size of density was similar to the distribution of species. It was indicated that there was close relationship between density and microhabitat conditions in each sites.The results of similarity analysis between the Scenic Spots and Historic Sites of Maijishan and other areas in China showed that exhibited a large difference among other areas.The results of the study showed that the prominent uniqueness of the diversity of species of soil ciliates in Scenic Spots and Historic Sites of Maijishan was characterized by very large richness of species and complex and unique communitystructure.
Keywords/Search Tags:Scenic Spots and Historic Sites of Maijishan, soil ciliates, classification and species diversity
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