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A Study On Huang Yuan - Yu 's Academic Thought Of Typhoid

Posted on:2016-12-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2134330461495030Subject:TCM clinical basis
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Huang Yu Yong Qing Dynasty, Qianlong years, a rather classical Chinese characteristics, physicians, medical thought Huang profound, magnificent, is one of the representatives of the statue by the Chong Dianpai. Qianlong Emperor Chin Chee "Miao Wu Qi Huang" plaque, Huang was later called "Medical door bulk", "big generation of doctors." Huang respect by the thick ancient, extremely push Chong Huangdi, Qi Bo, the more people, Zhongjing and pensions call this the four as "Medical door four holy" book called the "glory for the sun and moon." Huang Qi Huang on the retroactive buried think "Yellow Emperor", "Classic", "herbal medicine", Haoshouqiongjing, is enlightened medical origin. Under the Kensei complete wisdom to "Febrile Diseases" Jizhu calligraphers typhoid. Huang Hongfeng writing life, which amounted to eleven kinds of Chinese medicine works as much with "Q hanging solution," "coffin hanging solution" "Su Ling Yun micro" "Classic hanging solution" "Typhoid speak Italian," "Treatise hanging solution" "Golden hanging solution" "Four Sacred Heart source"" Four Holy hanging pivot" "Changsha drug solution," "Jade pulled the drug solution," Works of the active Wong, hair hidden release Austria, highlighting esoteric Qihuang. Clinical treatment management must "via", the law must be Zhongjing, medicine will present through, once again exposing the Academic Thought Characteristics of thick old Huang Chong Classics.Huang retroactive classic hair, stands for Heaven; seeking the source of the original, respect for the four holy.Huang does not respect ancient mud in ancient, with a unique spirit of innovation. He "via" air-lift theory, combined with their experience, proposed that the right to lift the body in the air, forming a lifting Turkey, metaplasia four images, together with the theoretical framework weeks stream. Wong believes all diseases are born in Turkey’s decline, he says:"Doctors of medicine, first in the air." Therefore, Huang Clinical advocate drip fill fire suppression Yin Fu Yang, so the gas cycle, voicing reset. Huang put his theories characteristics and Zhongjing "Shan Han Za Bing Lun" a combination, when proof Discrimination " Shan Han Za Bing Lun " in the provisions and by the side of the distinctive, well-SSIM. In succession, " Shan Han Za Bing Lun " Academic Features based on a whole new perspective of that " Shan Han Za Bing Lun " the "Six by gasification theory", "View of Camp David," "mass change outlook" and other academic thought.The first is the literature review, and the general situation of Huang Yuanyu "s modern research is discussed. Modern literature Huang Huang focused on the life and writings; Huang’s "Four Sacred Heart source" theoretical characteristics and academic thought; Huang Recipe characteristics and clinical experience. While Huang typhoid academic thought and clinical achievements of the few studies, the lack of systematic order. Therefore, it will cut Wong typhoid academic thinking, academic thought and research Wong typhoid Theory.Followed by research, mainly divided into the following areas:First, Huang Yu of the "Treatise on the" Six Classics Theory of Inheritance and Development. In the theoretical characteristics of respect, on Huang’s "Treatise on" Liu Jing seen six gas disease of understanding to explore. Huang draw theoretical air-lift "Nei Jing", and extension of the development, throughout the "Treatise on" Six always been sick. In gasification Six Classics release, that "Treatise on" Six by six gas that is seen in all diseases, and that "Treatise on" Six Classics are six foot six by the introduction by the disease. From six through gasification, gas-lift and the five elements explain the Typhoid angle six by the disease and its hair cut herbs disease.Second, Huang proposed innovative Division at Camp David and all the wood in the sun by the system. So the treatment of sun disease, primary reconcile business health, combined with the business of blood, yin, yang qi property, Tiaofenlvxi’s sort of been on the "wind damage health, cold injury camp" debate.Third, Huang attaches great importance to the human one of the gas, especially gas Turkey. Advocated "yin and yang actual situation of the right to care in the air," Huang yin and yang Rise and Fall of the use of gas Turkey explain "Shang Han Lun" in the cold, hot, virtual, real formation mechanism proposed Yang bad soil wet Yangming disease leading to false card, lunar disease, Shao disease and underlying factors Jueyin disease, and that Yangming, lunar soil wet from a lot of permits, in particular those less dry soil, Chongyang Huang enough to reflect these ideas.Yangming disease as proof that Turkey’s yang, the Yangming of gold for the hot air to dry syndrome, and so is the Yangming evidence, such as BHT card, in three kinds of certificates; Yang from Middle-Earth too damp into cold syndrome, so deficiency is Yangming Yangming not eat the cold syndrome, Evodia Decoction. Argumentation Shaoyang disease, inherited the turn of Shaoyang in yin and yang, the list of semi-traditional view, and proposed:When Xiaochaihutang certificate puzzled, yin yang defeated, but the heat is not cold, that is, from less disease for Yangming Yang; if Yinsheng Yang defeated, then it cold not hot, disease that is spread in the lunar. In the demonstration lunar disease that is rooted in the cold lunar disease yang decline, raised Shao, Jue Yin disease mostly came from the Shao. Shao disease demonstrated that the disease originated from defeat Shao rustic, the anti-dam failure, so moisture spread. From the ideological point of view put forward Chongyang, Shao disease Huoshuai were more cold water. Jue Yin disease demonstrated that the heat under the cold syndrome Jueyin illness was caused by Turkey abnormal movements, and Tuli pathogenesis from the traditional wood overcomes earth developed into a dirty dirty grams to grams Fu Fu two wood grams of soil line, according to vomit after learning guide, determine how much benefit is dirty disease located in the internal organs.Four, six by the mass change in the terms discussed Huang Liu Jing disease awareness and change of concept innovation. Wong believes the person of the main gas (gas righteousness also Turkey) determines the strength of the mass change in the warp and pass, or into the inside and pass. The Rise and Fall of the stomach after Turkey decided to enter in, there is cold and dirty passed to heat incoming different organs. That mass change points in the table of a pass with the inside of organs pass, while Turkey yin and yang Rise and Fall of the decision passed in different organs of.Fifth, the paper included six by the order according to Huang Treatise on the Blood of inheritance and development, Huang is still Turkey lift argument to explain the six by the disease epistaxis, vomiting, Xuxue, blood in the stool of pathogenesis. Spleen for its own soil from the left or clear the wood is also 1; stomach for the E soil right down the road leads Nauclea, lungs also drop. E soil will not fall if the lungs did not fall, but the disease hematemesis; if the soil has not rise, the wood is sick Yu trapped blood in the stool. Treatment of Blood and through articles in the Yangming hyperlipidemia is somewhat creative play: Nvxue ID Card, a basil plaster Huang Tang, Xian Lu Jie Ji soup to publish, cooling heat to treat sun sun Ming and disease of epistaxis. Chong Xian Lu Tang to pass down E soil, clear Xiefei gold, for the treatment of hot Yangming disease of the card Nvxue. Vomiting syndrome, it is considered vomiting due to cold water but soil wet soil stomach did not fall, and create spiritual rain soup to treat Turkey Deficiency vomiting. Year Imperata soup to treat the soil wet stomach inverse phase stake gold.
Keywords/Search Tags:Huang Yu yu, Shan Han Lun, Liu jing, Turkey lift
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