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The Founctional Analysis Of OsGLR1 By A T-DNA Insertion Mutant

Posted on:2006-02-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ShenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Animal ionotropic glutamate receptors, as a type of glutamate-activated ion channel, mediate most excitatory neurotransmission in the brain. Recently, the glutamate receptor-like genes have been also found in higher plants, though their function is largely unknown. The rice T-DNA insertional mutant which destroyed in the construction of the OsGLRl, provide us a good chance to characterize the possible founction of plant GLRs.Our results indicate that OsGLRl controls the level and distribution of glutathione in root apical meristem, which have been proved be essential for the cell division and root elongation. Also, the evidence of TUNEL and BrdU immunofluorescent staining provide a direct linkage of plant GLRs-mediated Ca2+ homeostasis and the consequent cellular glutathione distribution with cell death. As we all know, blockade of iGluRs causes neuronal cell apoptosis. The genetic evidence that plant GLRs also invoved in programmed cell death , suggest it may sharing the similar mechanise of regulating the PCD with animal.
Keywords/Search Tags:Oryza sativa L., OsGLR1, Ca2+, Glutathione, Programmed cell death
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