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Studies On Transportation Of Nutrient In Growing Process Of Zizania Latifolia

Posted on:2003-09-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J QiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2133360095461503Subject:Vegetable science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Using physiologi-chemical techniques as well as isotope tracer techniques and leaf-excluded experiment, we studied transportation and allocation of nutrition and photosynthate in different organs of Zizania Latifolia at different growth and development stage. Materials adapted in this paper were double-season variety FengHongZao and single-season variety Laws of nutrition transportation in Zizania Latifolia were researched. Materials adapted in this paper were double-season strain Jiangshujiao. The results were shown as follows:The vegetative carbohydrate content increased during the growing progress. The contents are in order of gross sugar, starch, reducing sugar. The reducing sugar content comparatively changed little. Changes of starch were higher, especially in the culm and zizania gall .during the pregnant stage and expanding stage, which showed that starch was the main store material in the zizania gall expanding progess.In the seedling stage the plant sprouted depending on the nutrient stored in the culm of maternal plant, and the culm of the maternal plant was "Source", the newborn leaf was "Sink". Before pregnant the nutrient was first transported to culm, which was source at this time. While nutrient in culm had accumulated and zizania gall hadn't expanded, it in leaf decreased. Nutrient in Zizania Latifolia partly transported from culm to zizania gall. After expanding, nutrient accumulated in culm was transported to zizania gall. The leaf-blade and leaf-sheadth also conveyed to zizania gall. The main source of nutrient of gall was that in culm. The nutrient transportation route of the plant in the very year was from leaf to culm then to gall.In our isotopic tracer experiment, the radioactive intensity in labeled leaf was highest, and that of leaves near to it as well as culm, which the labeled leaf belonged to, were also higher; but the radioactive intensity of leaves below labeled leaf was lowest, which indicated that assimilate in Zizania Latifolia were main transported for leaf on higher parts of plant to shape establing, almost none for those on lowerparts of plant.The allocate rate of 14C assimilation is highest in culm before pregnant, lower in leaf-blade and leaf-sheath, which showed that culm was the middle sink in nutrient store progress. The rate in gal increased greatly in expanding stage, but that in culm, leaf-blade and leaf-sheath decreased. The moving rate of culm was highest, leaf-blade nest and leaf-sheath lowest. So we concluded that the main nutrient source for gall expanding was the store in culm at early stage.From the allocation rate of 14C assimilate in different organs, we also drew the conclusion that assimilate transportation in Zizania Latifolia were also keen to nearer place. The radioactive intensity in labeled leaf-blade, leaf-sheath and culm decreased more dramatically than that in gall of labeled tiller, which showed after gall itself expansion assimilates from tiller's accumulation as well as photosynthate would transported to another tiller being in pregnant stage or ezpanding stage.The changing tendencies of each result in two varieties were basically unanimous. The developing progress were similar, butwe can suggested that nutrient transportation law of plant were the same, but there were difference between the two varieties, which was the same to the apparent phonological stage.According to changes of N,K contents and different fertilizers characters, we suggested that Zizania Latifolia should be applied with proper fertilizers to satisfy the need of plant at differert growth and development stage. At earlier period, more N fertilizer should be applied for contribute to the espantion of photosynthesis area in Zizania Latifolia, and at earlier pregnant stage, K fertilizers should be increased for contributing to nutrition as well as gross production of Zizania Latifolia.DW/FW became decrease after pregnant showed that water supply is important during this time, we should pay attention to...
Keywords/Search Tags:Zizania Latifolia, physiology and biochemistry, 14C-tracer, nutrition, transportation
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