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On Ward Space Of Home-based Design

Posted on:2011-02-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132360305959952Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hospital wards design is to reduce the patient's suffering and antipathy and makes adjustment in patients with mental state for the purpose. Hospital wards environment using the "home-based" design can alleviate patients' comfortlessness from home to the hospital in mental and reduce the sense of strangeness and exclusion.Patients' psychological needs is to be respected, to be recognized, and self-realization. Hospital wards need to provide physical, rehabilitation, security and other basic amenities. Hospital wards should be in patient-centered. At the same time, it should be designed for health care workers, visitors, and accompanists. This article discusses how to improve the present state of design in wards and proposes that the designer should start from the psychological, physiological and social features, use privacy, field, ecological, artistry as a design concept and consider color, sound, smell, light, thermal environment to make the ward's functions coordinated and create a patient-oriented pleasant ward space.Ward environment design development is the result of the continuous improvement of people's perceptions, thoughts and emotions. The future of hospital wards will change from quantity to quality, combine high-tech and high emotion and create a more home-based environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hospital, Ward space, Home, Interior design
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