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Research On Campus Planning Of Medical University

Posted on:2011-12-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132360302499508Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the educational reform in nineties of last century, in order to build a world-class university, to promote intersection and innovation of interdisciplinary, to train advanced medical personnel of comprehensive, dozens of medical universities incorporated into comprehensive universities (or Multidisciplinary Universities), as its Medical Faculty. There are two results of this restructuring. On the one hand, relying the financial strengths and advantages of multi-disciplinary of comprehensive universities, the Medical Colleges can raise the level of education and scientific research, creating a good development environment for cultivating comprehensive talented person in medicine. On the other hand, with the development of medical colleges, the comprehensive university is formed a kind of development and innovation model of the Discipline base on a leader in life sciences. The comprehensive universities changed from Practical University to Research Universities, creating good conditions for building world-class universities.On basis of the evolution of medical the university in China, the target is to find some changes and problems on campers planning of medical university. It is analysed in area norm, functional organization, traffic system, space rebuilding architecture design as while as building estimation, which based on the similarity and specialty between general universities and medical universities. The strategy of the planning are studied for medical universities, and take the hygienic college of Datong in Yudong zone as example. The specialist in medical university should be aroused by architects and planners. The strategy also give some assistance to reasonable function, perfect environment, deeply civilization for the planning of the medical universities, and to outstanding professional feature of the medical the university.
Keywords/Search Tags:Medical University, Campus Planning, Design Strategy
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