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Traffic Induce System Based On GIS

Posted on:2008-05-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132360218451772Subject:Cartography and Geographic Information System
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
GIS (Geographic Information System) technical assistance urban intelligent traffic management is important trends of urban transport development. Traffic flow induce is one of the core of Intelligent Transportation System. The recommendation traveling routes help drivers choosing routes to make full use of the existing road network, and to ease traffic congestion effectively. This technology is the effective management of modern transport. Beijing, as China's capital, a cosmopolitan city, faced with growing traffic problems. The system in Beijing urban transportation background, based on GIS component technology, achieved to determine the fastest or the most recent arrival of vehicles travel through the acquisition of real-time analysis of traffic flow data. Results will show maps and information releases were two ways for traffic management departments and end-users. Some traffic induced by supporting functions such as on the existing traffic conditions control simply. The system. use .Net as a development environment, development process involves the shortest path algorithm, it's optimization and some mainstream of development technologies, such as Web Service, XML, and MO. The system help people to know transport information quickly, to control traffic as well as to offer end users with real-time, accurate and fast information services. The system also do the necessary groundwork for integrated urban traffic management of the future, and for the development of more perfect information platform.
Keywords/Search Tags:GIS, Traffic Induce, Shortest Path
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