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"The Arts Of Condensation"

Posted on:2012-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132330332991688Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Materials and construction" are the fundamental elements of architecture, whose inseparable relationship can be embodied by concrete. To some extent, the fact that concrete has made architecture return to its "original state" reveals the essential characteristics of building and construction. To continue promoting the architectural culture of and raise architects' awareness for concrete, this thesis chiefly carries on its analysis and exploration of the strong plasticity of concrete from the perspective of art, aiming to bring cultural connotations and aesthetic qualities of concrete architecture to light and eventually provide reference for the innovations in concrete architecture under China's actual conditions.This thesis begins with an introduction of the material—oncrete. In chapter one, the author outlines her basic understanding of concrete in terms of technological development, summarizes the fundamental processing technology of materials, and arrive at their plasticity. In chapter three, the author elaborates the cultural and aesthetic significance of concrete architecture from the respect of culture and art: concrete is always in constant changes since it is the "process of mixing and construction", therefore it is difficult to achieve definite aesthetic standards of concrete architecture, which is also the most obvious characteristic concrete architecture differs from other forms of material construction. In chapter four, the author makes her research on the artistic expression of concrete in architecture from different aspects, such as its own characteristics, construction modes, technical support, and so forth:the plasticity of concrete makes it able to reflect the "genuine" state during the construction of materials; it is its genuine and natural properties that improve the existing state only catering for the superficial effects of decoration, flashy but lacking substance. Finally, the author makes a summary of the current utilization of concrete as well its development, predicting new development in concrete architecture; meanwhile, on the basis of exploring the development and innovations of concrete architecture in China, the author puts forward her hope that this thesis will be helpful to the development of domestic concrete architecture and its application.This thesis focuses on exploring the nature of concrete from an artistic point of view. In the dissertation, each chapter, taking concrete as a clue, conducts discussion in light of its connotations. According to the framework of this thesis based on a logical development: technology-culture-artistic level, it strives to discuss various factors producing influence on concrete architecture, to highlight the particularity of concrete architecture, and more importantly, to encourage Chinese architects to develop their exploring spirit, with which and combing China's national conditions, they can work out a road proper for the development of concrete architecture in the world context.
Keywords/Search Tags:concrete, plasticity, art, concrete architecture, development
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