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Gathering Information From Costly-to-fake Signals In PES

Posted on:2011-11-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J FanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2131330338977125Subject:Human Geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In contractual relationships involving payments for environmental services,conservation buyers know less than landowners about the costs of contractualcompliance. Landowners in such circumstances use their private information as asource of market power to extract informational rents from conservation agents.Reducing informational rents is an important task for buyers of environmental serviceswho wish to maximize the services obtained from their limited budgets. So reducinginformational rents also mitigates concerns about the"additionality"of PEScontracts.Counting opportunity cost have high influence to compensate standard andregion, which is not only a core issue of PES, but also a nodus of based PESmechanism. This paper take the approache of gathering information from costly-tofakesignals to reduce informational rents, with the help of questionnaire survey,《Statistical Yearbook of Gannan District》,Gannan Bureau of Animal Husbandry andHezuo Prairie Workstation, we got the data of area of grassland,quantity of livestockand other relevant data. On this basis, we have constracted Net proceeds index systemof Gannan pastoralists, selected the distance from village to town center,grass coverextent as costly-to-fake signals. we using multianalysis to simulate opportunity costwhich converse feed to fast in Gannan District, then distinguish opportunity cost typesto make high-landowners can get more compensate than low-cost landowners,therefore conservation buyers can get more environmental services. Through thisresearch, we have drew the following conclusions:1. In the seven counties and one city of Gannan district, take district opportunitycost as example, the high opportunity cost area is Maqu County, Xiahe County, Luqucounty, Zhuoni County, the low opportunity cost area is Diebu county, Zhouqu County,Lintan county and Hezuo city; but if we take per unit area opportunity cost, the highopportunity cost area is Lintan county, Zhouqu county, Xiahe county, Hezuo city; the low opportunity cost area is Diebu county, Luqu county, Maqu county and Zhuonicounty.2. Based on the field surveys and data analysis of Gannan District, we selectedthe distance from village to town center,grass cover extent as costly-to-fake signals.We got the conclution that grassland cover extent and distant are positively correlatedwith district opportunity cost, but negative correlated with per unit area opportunitycost, besides, the distance from village to the town cente have the largest negativeimpact and grassland cover extant is the second, which shows that the farther away ,the cost will be higher then the opportunity cost is lower; and in the low coveragegrassland, you can raise livestock feed, etc. to increase its intensity, the cost willincrease accordingly, resulting in lower opportunity cost.3. In this study, we found that opportunity cost is associated with many factors,we should have a various and comprehensive view of this issue. It is also correlatedwith grassland area, overload ratio, the number of factors such as grazing unit area. Ingeneral, the bigger of the grassland area, the bigger of the overload ratio, the bigger ofthe number of units of grazing ,its opportunity cost will be higher.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gathering information from costly-to-fake signals, opportuneity cost, Gannan District, Net proceeds
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