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Legislative Research On Preventing The Contamination Of Farmland In China

Posted on:2012-05-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2131330338497379Subject:Environment and Resources Protection Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Land, as an important element of environment, and it's quintessential part—farmland,are related to the survival of human and the economic development of society. However, because of various reasons, the pollution to farmland is getting serious, which not only threat to people's health, but also lead to many social problems. When investigating the reason for this phenomenon, we found the basic reason is the lack of regulation and sound legal system. When making a general survey of the experience in developed country, we found they had started their protection of farmland since the 1960s or 1970s. Through a regulate legal system and practice, they made an achievement in this area, and this also give us many useful experience. Therefore, in this paper, an analysis of the legislation of farmland and then an inspect of legislation background and pollution reason are made. After that, a proper anti-pollution system of farmland protection is proposed.The paper will be carried out in four parts. In the first part, after analyzing the predicament of pollution preventive and the dire circumstances, the main reason for the farmland pollution is pointed out. These reasons including the absence of legislation, poor oversight and environmental awareness weak and so on. In the second part, a review of Chinese history about pollution preventive treatments and the related legislation is made. Then, the shortage and the achievements of the pollution control legislation are pointed out. In the third part, an introduction of the experience in developed countries, such as the USA,Germany and Japan is giving. And then, proposing their inspiration to China. The fourth part, as the main part of the paper, at the basic of research above, an advice about Special Legislation is giving. The possibility and dilemma of the legislation is analyzing. And then proposed the basic principles of legislation, and then lay its stress on the farmland legislation.In this paper, the legislation of farmland protection from pollution in China is necessary and feasible. Only setting up a sound legal system, the deteriorating trend can be suppressed. And this will provide inexhaustible power to sustainable development of economy and society.
Keywords/Search Tags:farmland, pollution, preventive treatment, legislation
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