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On The Study Of Classical Images Of Men's Wear

Posted on:2011-06-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R B HouFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Image is an important carrier to convey fashion information, so it is tie up with fashion closely. Moreover, the image which unabated in a long time turns into a classic symbol and widely accepted by fashion followers. In regard to fashion trend system, image becomes so important because only when the clothes and wearer joint together, the clothes can be alive and vibrant. As an important part of fashion trend system, men's wear is famous for classic and inherits; even a small detail can conceal a historical origin. Study on classical men's image can interpret the prevalent phenomenon and grasp the essence of men's fashion. In this study, five classical men's image are analyzed: worker's image, soldier's image, merchant's image , athletes'image and casual wearer's image, and comparing them with worker wear, military uniform, suits, sports wear and casual wear. Based on the semiotics theory, this study conclude clothing symbol system of the five classical image and discuss its practical application in men's wear, moreover, it points out the significance of classical image to men's fashion. As the five classical images are in the central place of the men's fashion system, this study concludes the prevalent rules of men's wear through the general characteristics by 19th century. At the end, this paper discusses the positive role of men's wear in the application of men's wear brand, men's wear design and fashion magazines. The study of men's classic image can enrich the men's wear theoretical system and promote the development of men's wear industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:men's wear, classical image, symbol, prevalent rules, men's wear industry
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