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F. Capra's General System Theory Of Ecophilosophy

Posted on:2008-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2121360215957318Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Fritjof Capra is a famous American scholar, who is also a scientist, philosopher and ecologist. He began his thought from the real reason of the crisis the whole world are facing today, using various frontier scientific theories and the "ecological wisdom" from east and west as his theory background, analyzing questions with general organic systems theory, ecology method and nonlinear thinking style. He constructed a general system theory of ecophilosophy in the right time, when there is a great turning point of the new paradigms replacing the old ones in various perspectives of contemporary word.In this essay, the first question is the question of "why", i.e., why does the author choose "F. Capra's general system theory of ecophilosophy" as the title of her dissertation. The author discusses the question in the first chapter, which contains five sections. The first section concerns with the introduction of F. Capra; the second section concerns with the background and meaning of the author's dissertation; the third section concerns with the basic problems this essay will deal with; the fifth section raises the question that the crisis of ecology is the question we must deal with, and this is the introduction of the author's dissertation.The second question is the question of "what", i.e., what is the content of Capra's general system theory of ecophilosophy. The author grasps the logic and content of Capra's general system theory of ecophilosophy, analyzing his thoughts carefully. Giving the definition of "system theory" and "ecophilosophy" firstly, then showing the main thinking arteries of Capra's general system theory of ecophilosophy: criticizing the old mechanism and reductionism, pointing out that the old paradigms had caused great dangers to the relationship between human beings and nature, the necessity of establishing the new paradigm; analyzing the various crisis of modern world, pointing out that all the crisis was the crisis of perception; the new world view of ecology based on science and philosophy—the dynamic web of life; the new conception of reality. His world view was divided into 8 perspectives in detail: deep ecology—a new paradigm; from the parts to the whole; net system thinking; self-making theory and self-organizing theory; the horizon of the dissipative structure; the united things; the dynamic cosmos; the conception of ecology nature.At last, the author deals with the question of "how", i.e., the influence of Capra's general system theory of ecophilosophy. This part mainly concerns with the evaluation toward Capra's thoughts from other scholars and the author. Through analyzing, the author thinks the influence of Capra's general system theory of ecophilosophy mainly embodies in the following three perspectives: the contribution to solving the crisis of ecology and forming the new ideas of ecology; the meaning of methodology—the method of dynamic multidimensional organic system theory; the meaning of ethics—paying attention to "relationship" shows the importance of ethics, general system theory justified the non-anthropocentrism of the ethics, the ethics value is paid attention to from the "whole".
Keywords/Search Tags:Capra, General system theory, Ecophilosophy, Web, Relation
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