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The Analysis On Marketable Pollution Permits

Posted on:2008-03-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X P ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2121360215953156Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Environment is the space carrier and basic condition on which mankind rely for existence, multiplication and development, and it is also the resources foundation of the social economic development. However, with the fast economic development in our country, we neglect the reasonable exploitation and protection of the environment resources, which brought the huge bane to the ecosystem environment. At present, with the bad result of widespread serious pollution, environment problems have already become a main social problem that threatens the economic sustainable development and the construction of harmonious society of our country. In the eleventh"five-year plan", it is clearly refered that the total discharge of main polluted materials will reduce by 10% during the time. Attaching importance to environment protection, how to make an effective environment management becomes a new problem.Marketable Pollution Permits, as a environment policy of market, the most important advantage is effectiveness. Based on the premise of total controlling, we take factory polluted exhauts as a commodity, if the total capacity of pollutant exhausts won't overpass the amount allowed, all kinds of souses of pollution will adjust the amount of exhausts via current exchange, which will lead to the goal of exhausts reduse and environment protection. This method not only completely avoids the disadvantage of traditional charge system of polluted discharge on charges standard, method and scope, but also promotes the economic efficien of environment management, at the same time, bring some social benefit in economic growth pattern, government function tranformation and the citizen society development. Therefore, pollution discharge dealing becomes the best system in the pollution management of air water poluution.In the first part of this thesis, it will demonstrate the basic thought of pollution discharge dealing, including connotation and operation system. pollution discharge dealing connotation can be concluded into three parts: first, it demonstrate the commercialization of environment resouses; second, it is the marketization of pollution discharge licensing system; third, it is method of environment total control. The operation system of pollution discharge dealing: environmental department set the control aim of polluted materials through evaluation of environment self-purification capacity in a local area, then, devide such aim into part- pollution discharge dealing,and award them to every enterprise via free distribution, non-gratuitous sale,or auction, according to the enterprice outcome, cost, scope. In the market of pollution discharge dealing, the enterprices buy and sell pollution discharge right independently based on their benefit.After demonstrating of meaning of pollution discharge dealing, the secind part of thesis analizes the dealing from theory perspective. First, theory of dealing effectiveness. Dealing act will increace the effectiveness of pollution discharge enterprices, and improve socia welfare in win-win condition. Second, scarity theory. The scarity of environmental capacity increase the value of pollution discharge dealing, clarify the pollution discharge dealing. Third, external performance thoery. Negative external performance of enterprice economic activities are the basic reason environment pollution, using this dealing make thr price of such right and the social damage equal, interiorize the extenal product cost. Fourth, property right theory. property right system is the basic one in economic operation, takes influence on pollution discharge dealing, so in order to set effective pollution discharge dealing market, it is important set clear executable and conveyable property right system.The third part of thesis is about the analysis of pollution discharge dealing cases. At last, it descibes construction and operation of pollution discharge dealing in China, concluding the main problems: First, as for skill and survry cost, it is difficult to make sure of the total amount of pollution. Second, it is difficult to make sure of the distribution standard, and results in the unfair distribution easily. Third, our market is not normative, market law is not perfect, all restrict the development of pollution discharge dealing. Fourth, unreasonable price cannot stimulate the activity of pollution management of enterprices. Fifth, overhigh transaction cost may result in the invalidation of pollution discharge dealing. Sixth, since the lagging monitoring methods, it is hard to monitor the discharge capability.The four part of thesis is the analysis of six suggestions which promote pollution discharge dealing. First, it describes the development of pollution discharge dealing in America, mainly introduces the concrete operation, including setting offsets policy, bubbles policy,netting policy, and banking policy. Second, from the successful experience, it shows four revelations to our country: perfect law fundation, years-researching on acid rain and pollution discharge dealing experience, advanced technology and information system, healthy market. Before raising suggestions, it proposes the premise and guarantee conditions first, which sets a standard of capable countermeasure for dealing with a situation. Based on this, it triese to give advices: first, seting law policy of pollution discharge dealing along with the pollution discharge right; Second, increasing monitoring capability and perfecting information systems; Third, estabishing reasonable distribution, and fair competitive situation; Fourth, setting pollution discharge dealing market, and executing it effectively. Fifth, perfecting adjust and control system; Sixth, setting space-time dealing convert index system, enlarging the area of pollution discharge dealing, among these six advices, the problem of position of government function runs through the process of pollution discharge dealing execution.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marketable
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