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Method Study Of Plan Environmental Impact

Posted on:2007-11-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2121360182996174Subject:Environmental Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The environmental impact of plan constituted process is very little,but as modulating peole's behavior of society,economy and socialrecourses reallocate, the plan implement would induce sameenvironmental impact aftertime.The environmental impact of PEIA can be marking avoidable andunavoidable, the origin of avoidable kinds is the limitation of plan, whichcan be debased or relieve. That is the emphases and original intention ofPEIA.While plan environmental impact(PEIA) is discussed ardently, thegreater part of the disquisitions are anent value targets system andprogram, a fat lot on assessment method studying. The PEIAtechno-methods applied at the present time include: the methods thatapplied in subject EIA are the same with PEIA, such as listing,matrix,meshwork and so on;in addition ,some methods be accustomed toapplied in economy branch and plan investigation, for instance;simulation,forecast,input-output,geography information system,investment-benefit and the like. These methods all have their strong suit,but for betterment and consummate the studying need keep on. In order to super induce assessment method of PEIA, the articleprimary assessed the environmental effects of ecotype urbanism planbased on the theory of fuzzy pattern recognition and the set pair analysistheory taking the example of Qinhuangdao city. The results indicatedthat there was small impact of ecotype urbanism plan on theenvironment in Qinhuangdao city. Because environmental issue hadbeen taken into account when constituted the plan, so it proves a certainextent that both the methods are credibility. The matter of fuzzy pattern recognition theory is: If has a fuzzyconcept or subset A,the targets criterion system is known, to computethe relatively subjection degree that the swatch belong to each criterion,the relatively level eigenvalue, recognize the swatch system fall intowhich criterion. This theory commendably reflected the fuzzy characterof plan environmental impact and provided bases for reasonableassessing the environment of plan.If we have known some criterion system for the fuzzy concept ofplan environmental impact, to recognize and compute the relatively leveleigenvalue, to recognize the plan fall into which criterion. Fuzzy patternrecognition theory can educe the relatively level eigenvalue of differentenvironmental subjects and every target under it, that is easy to makesure the environmental subject and the target that effect environmentmaximal.It mostly include two part:First, setting up targets matrix of relatively subjection . base on theidentify object A, accounting the targets eigenvalue for denotation acertain stylebook integer diagnostic, formatting the targets eigenvaluevector X of the stylebook ,and according to criterion system knownformatting the targets criterion eigenvalue matrix Y, making it asidentify gist. And then transform the targets eigenvalue vector R and thetargets criterion eigenvalue matrix to relatively subjection matrix S forA.Second, fuzzy pattern recognition. Contrasting X with R, and Ywith S, educe the level upper limit and lover limit of the stylebook. Aftermake certain targets power, according the method of fuzzy patternrecognition educes the most excellent relatively subjection to each level.The matter of set pair analysis theory is: Under a certainbackground, analysis the tow aggregates that been argued, and basedrelationship expression for alike,separate,and on the contrary. Based onset pair analysis theory, the article advanced set pair analysis model forPEIA, this method inducts power in environmental subject only, andapplies set pair theory analyze the particular target under subjects,according to set part degree evolvement rule give the taxis of posturedegree, and make the taxis parallelism with [1,12], to denote thecorresponding posture degree. This paper applied the model to evaluateQINHUANGDAO ecotype urbanism plan, and validated the result. Themethod has the characters of briefness , concision, and feasiblepracticability .The model is keeping with primary plan environmentimpact assessment or some programs appealed glancing assessment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Environmental
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