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The Absence Of Environmental Equity

Posted on:2006-07-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L P ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays the world faces the serious environmental pollutions, which increasingly threaten the existence and the development of the whole world. Furthermore the distribution of environmental problems is seriously unfair between the rich and the poor, country and city, nation and nation. This kind of condition naturally caused the widespread concern of academic circles. The summary of sociology researches of the environmental problems The author started her research on the basis of environmental sociology and game theory. The structure-function paradigm and the social conflict paradigm inspired the author's theory construction. Game theory provided methodology. This paper's hypotheses is as fellows: 1 An environmental problem is a kind of "social fact". 2 Social unfair is the reason of environmental problems. 3 There are two kinds of models in environmental games-"prisoner's dilemma"game model in equal players and "boxed pigs"in unequal players, and the latter is the emphasis of this paper. International environmental game 1 the unfair of international pollution Developed countries'industrialization had lead to serious pollution for environment of world, and they kept on polluting the world in various ways. Developing countries'industrialization is late; the burden of environmental pollution is little. But because of strong will of developing and transfer of pollution, there are more and more pollution accidents in the developing countries. 2 the "boxed pigs"analysis of international pollution In the "boxed pigs"of international pollution, if the nation lying in inferior position in international political economic structure is rational, their rational strategy will be waiting –waiting for the preponderant nations'result of environmental protection, this strategy is much better than other strategies. 3 "the transfer of pollution"within the globalization process-new problem of environmental pollution The globalization make the developed countries utilize the resources of the world to satisfy the native need, and aggravate the deprival of the developing country. Developed countries have already led to serious pollution, but after many years of efforts, these countries'environment keeps well now, but they intended to transfer various pollutions to the developing countries. 4 The Kyoto Protocol-a kind of possibility The process of constituting The Kyoto Protocol and the principle it follows indicated that it was the result of the benefits struggle between the developing countries and developed countries. And partly corrected the international environmental unfair, and it is a pursuit to whole environmental benefits. This result provided a kind of possibility for resolving the international environmental problems. 5 the foreground-environmental game will continue The Kyoto Protocol becoming effective was regarded as an important victory about the international environmental cooperation realm. But many people think it is only the beginning for protecting the atmosphere. The environmental protection still faces a lot of problems. Environmental unfairness in Chinese dual social structure 1 the unfairness of dual social structure There is a long-standing dual social structure in China nowadays. The distribution of the environmental benefits and harm is very unfair between city and countryside. 2 the environmental "boxed pigs"between city and countryside Among this game, countryside is the "small pig". Under the current dual social structure, the countryside's rational strategy is waiting for cities'environmental protection. 3 the problems of this game In fact, there are many problems of this kind of game; the dependence of players, the diversification of players, the public information is not complete in the game, the unfairness of pollution distribution. Actually to most pollution, the harm of a concrete pollution isn't assigned to everyone equally. "The transfer of pollution"from city to countryside is very unfair. 4 the benefits analysis of pollution There are beneficiary and victims in the concrete environmental problem.
Keywords/Search Tags:Environmental
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