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Study Of Indoor Ventilation Effectiveness And Airborne Pollutants Control

Posted on:2006-08-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2121360155465379Subject:Environmental Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Indoor airborne pollutant is one of the main environment questions. It is also called "The third contaminant" after the coal-gas contaminant and light-chemical contaminant. People's healthy and working effectiveness have been influenced by bad indoor air quality heavily, which is called building diseases such as sick building syndrome. Because of the importance of indoor air quality, Indoor air quality control and improvement has been gradually specialty encountered by building environment engineering.The ventilation and indoor contaminant control engineering have been combined in this article. The mathematical model for the airborne pollutants concentration indoor is also built. By experimental study, finding the best indoor contaminant concentration method is the object. So, based on reviews about indoor air contaminant and mass conservation model, the article deduces the air change efficiency and ventilation efficiency mathematical models of three common different air distribution systems: the up-in and up-out ventilation, the up-in and low-out ventilation and the displacement ventilation. By experiments, the article discusses the dilute efficiency of indoor formaldehyde under different air distribution system and different air quantity. By simulating indoor environment, this article investigates the remove effect of TiO2 photocatalysis on the concentration of airborne pollutants indoors under UV light. The results show that:1. When natural ventilation, the calculation of mathematical model and theexperiment results for the airborne pollutants concentration have the similar changing orderliness.2. When the ventilation quantity is low, increasing ventilation quantity can help diluting formaldehyde indoor, but too high ventilation quantity can arose the rebound of indoor contaminant concentration.3. The displacement ventilation can effectively eliminate formaldehyde under low ventilation quantity. When the ventilation quantity is too high, the displacement ventilation and the up-in and low-out ventilation have the more evident advantages than the up-in and up-out ventilation, but the advantage of the displacement ventilation to the up-in and low-out ventilation is unobvious.4. While the glass plates with TiO2 coating are exposed to UV light, formaldehyde should be converted quickly under three different air distribution systems, especially the displacement ventilation and the up-in and low-out ventilation. This recommends that the TiC>2 coating can be used in cleaning indoor air.5. Under the different ventilation quantity, TiC>2 coating exposed to UV light with the displacement ventilation can effectively eliminate formaldehyde.The mathematical model, experiment results of the different air distribution system and different air quantity can provide help for selecting and adopting different air distribution system and building materials, and have some important values for increasing indoor air quality.
Keywords/Search Tags:ventilation, formaldehyde, contamination, dilute, TiO2
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