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Research On The Phenomenon Of Pseudo Technology

Posted on:2010-11-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2120360278967584Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the advancement of technology and its profound penetration into people's livelihood, the phenomenon that people call pseudo technology also exists in a large number. However, little research has been conducted on it in the academic field. The author of this thesis attempts to do some academic research on this phenomenon.Pseudo technology is a relative term to technology. By far, scholars in the academic field have not reached a consistent understanding on what technology is. This reflects the complexity of technology to some extent. Accordingly, pseudo technology also shows its complexity. Therefore, this paper takes a descriptive approach to understand and analyze pseudo technology with the examples selected from the relative phenomenon that occur in people's lives and production.This thesis firstly works on the understanding of technology. Following it is a research on the classified pseudo technology phenomenon and on that basis a summary of its characteristics and nature so as to reach an academic understanding of it. Meanwhile, the thesis author also conducts the distinction of several pseudo technology phenomenon. Finally, an analysis of the harmfulness that pseudo technology has brought about and the corresponding causes is made.The significance of this research lies in the understanding of what Pseudo technology is at a theoretical level. Thereby, it offers some standards and methods for distinguishing technology and pseudo technology at an operational level.
Keywords/Search Tags:technology, pseudo technology, pseudo technology phenomenon, value judgment of technology
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