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The Evolution Of Gene Concept

Posted on:2009-12-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T Z XinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2120360272963498Subject:History of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The pluralism of gene concept leads to there is no generally accepted concept of it. This paper aims at on the basis of a simple description of the cognitive process of gene, from the perspective of the history of science, making a dynamic description about gene concept, according to the functional concept of gene after discovering the structure of gene (DNA Double Helix). It is also possible to provide scientists with methodology about evolution of other material concepts. Only when we have a comprehensive understanding about the structural, functional and informational concept of gene, particularly when clearing the relationship of three concepts of gene, it is likely to guide the development of genetic engineering, enzyme engineering, protein engineering. At the same time, making a more overall description about the differences or disagreements on developmental biologists, evolutionary biologists, molecular biologists about the gene concept, it will get an horizontal gene concept. The research method is primarily the horizontal and vertical levels, by the two levels making a more complete description about gene concept. Analysis the evolution of gene concept: What is gene, from a historical perspective of the concept of dynamic change, using concept analytical method to grasp gene, particularly the scientific community can get inspiration from the concept of the gene after discovering the DNA double helix structure. Research contents involve prime cognition and development of gene concept, the structural concept of gene, the functional concept of gene, the informational concept of gene, the relationship of the structural, functional and informational concept of gene and accepted extent. Although there are differences between developmental biologists, evolutionary biologists and molecular biologists about understanding the gene concept, neither one of them can not only from the perspective of their own research to understand gene. Biologists can do is to unify the gene concept in various fields at best. Developmental biologists may be more emphasis on the informational concept of gene, evolutionary biologists may be more emphasis on the functional concept of gene, and molecular biologists may be more emphasis on the structural concept of gene. In addition, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine about the development of gene concept can reflect the trend of development of the concept from the side. Finally, it comes to the conclusion that: gene structure is characterized by interrupting, jumping, overlapping (including overlapping and packaged), duplicating. Dominant gene and recessive gene, housekeeping gene and luxury gene, structural gene and controlling gene, pseudo gene, Gene-P and Gene-D can be the function of gene itself. Study of the functional concept of gene is still a work in progress, but the functional concept research is the ultimate goal. The Informational Concept of Gene from the initial concept of genetic information to the current realization, the genetic code carried by the genetic information, has already been taken a breakthrough in essence. The structural, functional and informational concept of gene is not completely unified at all levels, the overlapping gene in the structural concept of gene which will be likely to definite a gene in the functional and informational concept of gene. Researchers of each branch of biology should be concerned about their own disciplines meanwhile learn from the gene concept of other research filed, making gene which is more important concept of biology filed most widely used.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gene Concept, Structure, Function, Information
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