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On Path Factorization Of Complete Multipartite Multigraphs

Posted on:2009-10-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z G WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2120360245460509Subject:Applied Mathematics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Pk-factorization ofλG have been studied by many researchers and found a numberof applications.Especially,Yamamoto and Ushio etc [17] have given some applicationsin HUBMFS2 schemes of database systems.There are also some known results onthe existence of the Pk-factorization of complete multigraphsλKm,complete bipartitemultigraphsλKm,n and complete multipartite multigraphsλ(Km*(?)n).The existenceof Pk-factorization ofλKm have been completely solved by Horton [10] and Bermond,Heinrich and Yu [4].The existence of Pk-factorization ofλKm,n have been completelysolved by Ushio [12],Wang [14],Du [7] and Wang and Du [8,9,15,16].In this paper we will study Pk-factorization ofλ(Km*(?)n).It is easy to seethatλ(Km*(?)n) has a P2-factorization if and only if mn≡0 (mod 2).Ushio andTsuruno [13] and Du [6] have shown that the necessary conditions are also sufficient ifk = 3.Further,Yu [18] has shown that these two necessary conditions are sufficient ifk > 3 and k is a prime,and raise a conjecture:the necessary conditions for completemultipartite multigraphsλ(Km * (?)n) to have a Pk-factorization are sufficent when pis not the power of prime.In our paper we will show that the necessary conditionsfor complete multipartite multigraphs to have a Pk-factorization are sufficient whenk = p + 1 and p is prime.This answers the conjecture of Yu [18] on Pk-factorizationsof complete multipartite multigraphs,when k = p + 1 and p is prime.
Keywords/Search Tags:multipartite multigraphs, path, factorization, HUBMFS2 schemes
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