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Structures And Characters On π-regular Semigroups

Posted on:2009-05-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2120360242494534Subject:Basic mathematics
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In this dissertation, we study the structures of (?)*-covered r-canceletive GV-semigroups,and we extend some results of completely regular semigroups toπ-regular semigroups,Lastly,we give the definition of quasi-GV-semigroup. and describe the structures of the semigroups and some special subclasses.We obtain the band-like extension of these semigroups.There are four chapters:In the first chapter , we give the introductions and preliminaries.In the second chapter , we describe the structures of (?)*-covered r-canceletive GV-semigroups.The main results are given in follow:Theorem 2.2.1 Let Y be a semilattice.and {Sα|α∈Y}be a class of completely archimedean semigroups which don't intersect each other.S=(?){Sα|α∈Y},(?)α,β∈Y,α>β,we define a morphism:The following description will be satisfied:(1)(RegSα)θα,β(?)P*(Iβ)×P(Mβ).(2)Ifαis not the maximal,then Sαis a rectangular band.[We now define Tα= Iα×Mα](3)If (?)α,β∈Y,α≠αβ≠β,then |Sαβ|=1.[We now define Sαβ={(?)αβ}](4)Ifαis not the maximal orαis the maximal ,but is not the covering ofβin Y. we haveA binary operationοis defined:(?)x∈Sα,y∈SβThen (S,ο) is a (?)*-covered r-canceletive GV-semigroup.Conversely,each (?)*-covered r-canceletive GV-semigroup which satisfies ifαis not the maximal,then Sαis a rectangular band can be constructed by the above statements. In the third chapter,we extend some results of completely regular semigroups toπ-regular semigroups.The main results are given in follow:Theorem 3.2.1 The following conditions on GV-semigroups are equivalent:(1)S is a left regular quasi-orthogroup:(2)S is a semilattice of the nil-extension of left groups,and E(S)is a band;(3)(?)* is a semilattice congruence on S,and E(S)is a band;(4)S satisfies the identity r(a)r(x)=r(a)r(x)r(a)0.Theorem 3.2.3 Let S be quasi-band,and S is r-canceletive,then the following conditions are equivalent:(1)S is a left regular quasi-band:(2)S is a semilattice of the nil-extension of left zero semigroups;(3)R*=ε.Theorem 3.2.5 Let S be aπ-regular semigroup,then the following conditions are equivalent:(1)S is the nil-extension of rectangular bands:(2)(?)a,b∈S ,r(a)=r(a)br(a):(3)(?)a,b,x∈S ,r(a)r(b)=r(a)xr(b).In the fourth chapter,we give the definition of quasi-GV-semigroup, and describe the structures of the semigroups and some special subclasses.We obtain the band-like extension of these semigroups.The main results are given in follow:Theorem 4.2.1 S is the semilattice ofπ-group plank with identity,and {Iα×{1Tα}×Λα|α∈Y} is a band if and only if S is the band-like extension of T= [Y;1Tα],and {1Tα|α∈Y} is a band.Theorem 4.2.2 Let S be a semigroup.Then the following statements hold:(1)S is a rectangular quasi-GV-semigroup if and only if S is aπ-group plank with identity:in particular,S is left (right) zero quasi-GV-semigroup if and only if S is the direct product of a left(right) zero band and aπ-group with identity.(2)S = [Y; Iα×1Tα×Λα] is a quasi-GV-semigroup in which {Iα×{1Tα}×Λα|α∈Y} is a semilattice if and only if S is a semilattice ofπ-group with identity.(3)S= [Y; Iα×1Tα×Λα] is a right regular quasi-GV-semigroup if and only if S is a right band-like extension of [Y;1Tα],1Tαis aπ-group with identity and {1Tα|α∈Y} is a band. (4)S=[Y;Iα×1Tα×Λα] is a left regular quasi-GV-semigroup if and only if S is a left band-like extension of [Y;1Tα],and {1Tα|α∈Y} is a band.(5)S=[Y;Iα×1Tα×Λα] is a regular quasi-GV-semigroup if and only if there are a left regular quasi-GV-semigroup S1 and a right regular quasi-GV-semigroup S2,which have the same [Y;1Tα] branch T.such that S≌S1×(?)S2,and {1(Tα|α∈Y} is a band.(6)S=[Y;Iα×1Tα×Λα] is a left (right) quasi-normal quasi-GV-semigroup if and only if there are a left (right) regular quasi-GV-semigroup S1= [Y;Iα×Tα] and a right (left) normal band B =[Y;Bα],such that S≌S1×(?)B,and {1Tα|α∈Y} is a band.(7)S=[Y;Iα×1Tα×Λα] is a (left, right) normal quasi-GV-semigroup if and only if there are T = [Y;1Tα] which is the semilattice ofπ-group plank with identity and a (left,right)normal band B = [Y; Bα],such that S(?)T×Y B,and {1Tα|α∈Y} is a band.(8)S=[Y;Iα×1Tα×Λα] is a right semiregular (right seminormal) quasi-GV-semigroup if and only if S is a right band-like extension of a left regular(left normal) quasi-GV-semigroup,and {1Tα|α∈Y} is a band.(9)S=[Y;Iα×1Tα×Λα] is a left semiregular (left seminormal) quasi-GV-semigroup if and only if S is a left band-like extension of a right regular(right normal) quasi-GV-semigroup S1 = [Y;1Tα×Λα;(?)α,β],and {1Tα|α∈Y} is a band.
Keywords/Search Tags:J~*-covered r-canceletive GV-semigroups, extension of covering, quasi-GY-semigroup, band-like extension
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