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Amalgamation Property And Lattices Of Ideals In The Relative Ockham Algebras

Posted on:2008-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2120360215967339Subject:Basic mathematics
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In this thesis, we consider two classes of relative Ockham algebras, namely theclass of extended Ockham algebras and the class of the balanced pseudocomple-mented Ockham algebras. An extended Ockham algebra (L;∧,∨, f, k, 0, 1) is abounded distributive lattice (L;∧,∨, 0, 1) with a dual endomorphism f and anendomorphism k such that f and k commute. A particular subclass of the classof extended Ockham algebras is the class of e2M-algebras in which f2=idLand k2=idL. We say that an algebra (L;∧,∨,* , f, 0, 1) is a balanced pseu-docomplernented Ockham algebra (shortly, bpO-algebra) if (L;∧,∨,* , 0, 1) is adistributive pseudocomplemented algebra with a dual endomorphism f suchthat f(x*)= x** and [f(x)]*=f2(x) for every x∈L.In chapter 2, we continue Blyth and Fang's work on e2 M-algebras. We payour considerable attention to the amalgamation property in the class of e2 M-algebras. The main result is to prove that there are only nine subvarieties ofthe variety of e2 M-algebras, each of which is generated by single subdirectlyirreducible algebra, have the amalgamation property.In chapter 3, we discuss mostly the properties on lattices of ideals of bpO-algebras (L;∧,∨,* , f, 0, 1). For a bpO-algebra L, we let I(L) and KI(L) bethe lattice of all ideals of L and that of all kernel ideals of L, respectively. Wealso letI0={x∈L|((?)α∈I)x>a*}and I?={x∈L|((?)∈I)x∧i=0}and letC*(KI(L))={RI|I∈KI(L)}in which RI is a congruence on L that is defined by(x,y)∈RI(?)((?)i∈(?)I)x∨i=y∨i.The main results we obtained in this chapter are as follows:(1) Let L∈bpO. If I is a kernel ideal of L then(ⅰ) (x,y)∈θ(I)(?)((?)a, b∈I) (x∨a) b*=(y∨a)∧b*;(ⅱ)θ(I)=θlat(I)∨θlat(I0). (2) If L∈bpO then, (KI(L);∨,∧,*) is a p-sublattice of (I(L);∨,∧) whereI∧J=I∩J and I∨J={x∈L|((?)i∈I)((?)j∈J)x≤i∨j},and the operation* is defined by I*={x∈L|((?)i∈I)x∧i=0}.(3) If L∈bpO then, (KI(L);*) is a Stone algebra if and only if for anyI∈KI(L), I* is a principal kernel ideal of L.(4) If L∈bpO, then (C*(KI(L));*) is a p-sublattice of ConL whereRI∨RJ=RI∨J and RI∧RJ=RI∧J,and the operation* is given by (RI)*=RI*.
Keywords/Search Tags:Amalgamation property, balanced pseudocomplemented algebra, extended Ockham algebra, ideal, kernel ideal, Ockham algebra
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