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The Studying On Numerical Method For The Model About The Movement Of Dust And The Sand

Posted on:2008-06-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J P ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2120360215482839Subject:Computational Mathematics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the framework of the two ?uid model of dilute dusty gases, the papermainly discusses the aerodynamic entrainment of the dust and sand particlesin the fully developed turbulent atmospheric boundary layer over an erodiblesurface are studied and the aerodynamic drag as well as the Sa?man liftingand Gravity forces are considered. We also put forward the model aboutdispersed phase dust movement and use the simple numeric method in orderto demonstrate the movement of dust and the sand. Results show that it issimilar to the fact. It will be facility and new idea for wind erosion and sand-dust storm.In the first chapter we discuss the reason and the development of desertand desertization, make a summary of sand moving background.In the secondchapter , we discuss the basic method and information about our research,andthe meaning of the model function about two ?uid - dusty and gas.Meanwhilewe also put forward the sand moving modeling near the boundary layer. Inthe chapter three ,firstly we use R-K method about ODE initial value ques-tion for the moving model,secondly we use the weighted schemes to calculateand discuss its advantages. We also do the experiments to demonstrate themovement under the di?erent wind and di?erent dust diameter. At last ,wemust take more consideration about it,so we will face Semi-infinite Laminaron a ?at plate. To solve the next boundary layer equation about secondOrder incompressible ?ow.
Keywords/Search Tags:dusty atmosphere, boundary layer, numerical modeling
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