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A Study On Pollination Insects Of Endangered Plant Ammopiptanthus Mongolicus (Maxim) Cheng F.

Posted on:2004-09-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H T FangFull Text:PDF
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Ammopiptanthus mongolicus belongs to Ammopiptanthus of Leguminosae, which is a peculiar plant in the desert in Alashan. Now the plant is under the third-grade priority protection of the state .As a result of analysis and study,one of the main declining reasons of the endangered plant is short of pollination insect,which leads to deficient pollination is necessary for protection Ammopiptanthus mongolicus to study on pollination insects. The author has observed outdoors and experimented indoors on pollination insects of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus in four population in two - years,and has made a systematic study on pollination insects biology for the first time.We can fill up that space with Ammopiptanthus mongolicus insects . The main contents and results are as follows:Of forty-eight species foraging insects of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus, eighteen species is pollination insects.The important pollination insects are Anthophora uljanini, Anthophora fulvitarsis, Anthophora potaninii, Anthophora borealis, .Hoplitis alashanica, Chalicodoma deserticola, Proxylocopa sinensis.The thesis reports morphological characteristic of Anthophora uljanini, Anthopho-ra borealis, Anthophora potaninii, Hoplitis alashanica except adult bees for the first time.Three bees live through winter in the stage of adult ,while other bee larvaes live through winter. Their adult spend thirdy day in moving about.Anthophora uljanini and Anthophora fulvitarsis are social bee . Anthophora borealis is mix bee,and other bees are half-social. Chalicodoma deserticola is non-digging insect,but other bees are digging insect. Chalicodoma deserticola nests in smooth exposed stone or soild smooth wall. Insect cells are arranged in different ways.Anthophora uljanini, Anthophora fulvitar sis, Anthophora borealis, Chalicodoma deserticola Interview both side symmetrical papilionaceous flowers and radial symmetrical flower, while Hoplitis alashanica. Anthophora potaninii alone forage symmetrical papilionaceous flowers. These insects like foraging yellow flowers.The peak-hour of foraging flowers is from 11:00 to 14:00.Syrphus ribesii is less than the bees in pollination effectiveness .Of all bees, Anthophora uljanini, Anthophora fulvitarsis, Proxylocopa sinensis's pollination effectiveness are biggest . Anthophora potaninii , Anthophora borealis pollination efficiency are higher than other insects.The insect enemies include Melecta plurinotata , Trichodes sinae, Pasylabris kozlovi,Plodia interpunctella and so on.In addition,mould is harm to larve.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ammopiptanthus mongolicus, Pollination insect, Behavior
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