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Research On Several Types Of Public Key Cryptographic Algorithms Related To Signature And Signcryption

Posted on:2023-07-07Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y QuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1528306623464934Subject:Basic mathematics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The theory of provably secure public key cryptography is a hot spot in modern cryptography research.Its proof methods are divided into two major types of proof methods which contain the random oracle model(ROM)and the standard model(SM),under the ROM,the hash function value is obtained by the adversary making queries to the challenger while under the SM,the hash function value is actually calculated.In view of different application scenarios and functional requirements,four provably secure public key cryptographic algorithms related to signature and signcryption with special properties are proposed,based on the SM and ROM,the security of the four algorithms is proved and the performance of the four algorithms is analyzed.The main results obtained are as follows:A concrete fuzzy identity based signature(FIBS)scheme in the SM is presented by us.FIBS possesses error-tolerance property which allows a user with identity ID described as an attribute set ω={ωi}i=1n to issue a signature that could be verifed with identity ID’ described as an attribute set ω’={ω’i}i=1n if and only if ω and ω’ are within a certain distance.Most FIBS schemes’ security proofs are given in the ROM,although the cryptographic scheme is proved to be secure in the ROM,in practical applications it may be insecure.In this paper,we construct a concrete FIBS scheme based on bilinear pairings,and its security proof is given in the SM,and we compare the proposed scheme with several other signature schemes in terms of computation,communication and security model,and show that the proposed scheme is more efficient and more suitable for practical applications.An identity based ring signcryption scheme with signcrypter verifiability and threshold decryption(SVTD-IB-RSC scheme)is presented by us.In this paper,we present the system model of SVTD-IB-RSC scheme,we give the definition of the security attributes which contains unforgeability,indistinguishability,anonymity of the signcrypter and receiver and non-impersonation of the signcrypter’s identity,and we propose the first SVTD-IB-RSC scheme without bilinear pairings based on elliptic curve group.We prove that our novel scheme’s unforgeability,anonymity of the signcrypter in the ROM and prove that our novel scheme’s indistinguishability,anonymity of the receiver,non-impersonation of the signcrypter’s identity in the SM.Finally,we compare the computation and communication performance of our novel scheme and a previous scheme,and the analysis shows that our novel scheme is more effective than the previous scheme and is more appropriate for the multi-receiver threshold setting.By combining the properties of identity based linkable ring signature and multireceiver signcryption,based on elliptic curve group,an efficient identity based multireceiver linkable ring signcryption(IBMR-LRSC)scheme is presented by us which can satisfy anonymity of the signcrypter and the receiver simultaneously.We prove that our novel scheme’s unforgeability,anonymity of the signcrypter,linkability,nonslanderability and unlinkability for different events in the ROM and prove that our novel scheme’s indistinguishability,anonymity of the receiver in the SM.Finally,we compare the novel scheme with three previous schemes in terms of computation,communication and security,and the results show that our novel scheme is more efficient and has better security performance than the three previous schemes.Therefore,our novel scheme is more suitable for wireless body area networks(WBAN).An identity based proxy signcryption scheme with multi-message and multireceiver(IB-MMMR-PSC scheme)is presented by us.With the progress of social science and technology,drones have applications in both military and civilian fields.However,there exist security and privacy requirements in Internet of Drones(IoD),in order to address security and privacy challenges in IoD,in this paper,we propose the first IB-MMMR-PSC scheme based on elliptic curve group,and prove that this scheme is unforgeable against the adversary in the ROM,and prove that this scheme is indistinguishable against the adversary and has the property of receiver’s anonymity in the SM.Additionally,we compare our IB-MMMR-PSC scheme’s performance with several other schemes in terms of computation and communication,and the analysis indicates that our IB-MMMR-PSC scheme has better computation and communication performance which is suitable for IoD.
Keywords/Search Tags:Identity based public key cryptosystem, Fuzzy identity based sig-nature, Threshold decryption ring signcryption, Multi-receiver linkable ring signcryp-tion, Proxy signcryption with multi-message and multi-receiver
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