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Study On A Cooperative Output Regulation Problem For Multi-Agent Systems With Switching Dynamics And Switching Topologies

Posted on:2019-07-29Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H W JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1488306344458834Subject:Control theory and control engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Recently,the cooperative control for multi-agent systems has attracted great attention for many researchers from different fields include physics,biology,control science and so on due to extensive application needs and several technological advances.on the other hand,as an important class of hybrid systems,switched systems are of great significance both in theory development and engineering applications.The dynamic system in which switched system and multi-agent system are combined,is more complicated systems,and the system is of great significance in theoretical study and have wide applications in engineering practice.Because each agent is a switched system or(and)the connection topologies among agents are switching,the operation mechanism and dynamic behavior of multi-agent systems with switching mechanism become quite complicated,and many problems deserve further investigation.Cooperative output regulation is one of basic re-search problems of multi-agent systems.The results on multi-agent systems with switch-ing mechanism are relatively few.In this paper,by using switched control and distributed control,the cooperative output regulation problem of multi-agent systems with switching dynamics and switching topologies is addressed.The main research contents are outlined as follows:Firstly,for the case that the output regulation problem for all subsystems of each agent does not required to be solved,the cooperative output regulation problem of multi-agent systems with switching dynamics is studied.Based on the condition that the total activation time ratio between all stabilizable subsystems and all unstabilizable subsystems is less than some threshold,an agent-dependent average dwell time switching law is pro-posed.Then,according to the dynamic compensator and the solutions of the regulation equations,the distributed dynamic controller is designed to solve the cooperative output regulation problem.Secondly,for the case that the output regulation problem for all subsystems of each agent may be not solved,the cooperative output regulation problem of multi-agent sys-tems with switching dynamics is addressed.The traditional multiple Lyapunov functions design method is extended to multi-agent systems with switching dynamics.According to the control characteristic of multi-agent systems,a state-dependent switching method is presented.A sufficient condition for the problem to be solvable is given via design-ing a switching law based on multiple Lyapunov functions and designing a distributed controller based on available local exchanged information among agent.Thirdly,for the case that all subsystems of each agent are subject to input saturation,the cooperative output regulation problem of multi-agent systems with switching mecha-nism is studied.Two types of independent switching signals are considered:Each agent is described by a switched linear system and the interconnection topologies described the information exchange among agents are also switching.The interconnection topologies are subject to the dwell time switching law.An agent-dependent dwell time method with an adjustable parameter is proposed for each agent with switching dynamics.Further,owing to saturated input,the distributed controller with an adjustable parameter is de-signed based on the solution of the algebraic Riccati equation and the limited information among agents.The problem is solved by using the proposed switching law and designed controller.Fourthly,for the case of fixed topology and switching topologies,respectively,the cooperative output regulation problem of heterogeneous multi-agent systems with based on event-triggered mechanism is addressed.Firstly,according to the connection charac-teristic of topologies,for the agents which can obtain the output of the exosystem,a com-mon observer based on event-triggered strategy is constructed to estimate the exogenous signal for feedback control design.For the rest agents,estimators based on event-triggered mechanism to acquire the estimation value of the exogenous state to design controller.Secondly,the decentralized event-triggered condition for each agent is given for the case of fixed topology.The average dwell time switching law and the topology-dependent triggering condition are deduced simultaneously.Further,a sufficient condition for the solvability of the problem is given by using designed controller based on event-triggered mechanism and the proposed switching law.Fifthly,for the case that each agent of the switched multi-agent systems contains simultaneously the modeled disturbance and unmodeled disturbance,the H∞ output reg-ulation problem of multi-agent systems with switching dynamics is studied.By using the output regulation theory and the H∞ control theory,the H∞ cooperative output regulation problem can be converted into the H∞ control problem.Further,based on algebraic Ric-cati equations,sufficient conditions for solvability of the H∞ control problem are given by the average dwell time method and the state-dependent switching method,respectively,such that the cooperative output regulation problem is solved.Finally,the results of the dissertation are summarized and further research topics are pointed out.
Keywords/Search Tags:Switched systems, multi-agent systems, cooperative output regulation, distributed control, input saturation, cooperative control, event-triggered mechanism, agent-dependent average dwell time method
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