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Research On The Supply Of Urban Women's Childbearing And Childrearing Welfare

Posted on:2022-08-05Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1487306311465794Subject:Social security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China's fertility rate has begun to decline.Under the background of the"comprehensive two child" policy,the fertility rate has not reached expectations.For this reason,the government has begun to appear the policy guidance of birth support,and the academic circles have begun to explore the countermeasures and suggestions of childbearing and childrearing support.However,the academic circles have not discussed the realization mechanism of birth support from the perspective of different main actions.In view of this,from the perspective of welfare sociology,this paper puts forward the concept of " childbearing and childrearing welfare",qualitatively describes the needs of urban women's childbearing and childrearing welfare,analyzes the main problems of the state,market and society in the supply of urban women's childbearing and childrearing welfare by using the paradigm of welfare pluralism,and analyzes the causes of the problems from different angles.At the same time,this paper summarizes the international experience of multiple supply of childbearing and childrearing welfare,from which we can get useful enlightenment to improve the multiple supply of childbearing and childrearing welfare.Finally,the paper puts forward the realization mechanism of improving the multiple supply of childbearing and childrearing welfare,and realizes the theoretical supplement to welfare pluralism.Specifically,the main contents of this paper are as follows:First of all,qualitative research method is used to describe the needs of urban women's childbearing and childrearing welfare.According to the theoretical discussion on the issue of needs by Ryan doyar and Ian Goff,we can get enlightenment on the definition of childbearing and childrearing welfare needs.Firstly,it needs the individual feelings and expression of urban women on the real fertility dilemma.Secondly,needs are formed by history and embedded in the environment of social and economic development.Thirdly,need is not a boundless variety of "wants" and"preferences".According to the theoretical discussion and definition of childbearing and childrearing welfare needs,qualitative interviews are used to find out the practical difficulties of urban women in the process of childbearing,and reflect the welfare needs through the practical difficulties.The study found that urban women have three main needs of childbearing and childrearing welfare:one is the economic support demand of "unable to bear and support",the other is the child care service support demand of "who will see the child",and the third is the dual welfare demand of "to have a child or to work" for the protection of childbearing and childrearing rights and employment rightsSecondly,from the perspective of welfare pluralism,this paper analyzes the main problems of the state,market and society in the supply of childbearing and childrearing welfare.It is found that there is an obvious supply strategy of familism in China's childbearing and childrearing welfare at present.The family is the subject rather than the object of welfare supply,and the state,market and society are insufficient or even absent in the supply of childbearing and childrearing welfare.From the perspective of national supply,the "de commercialization" ability of the design of maternity welfare system is weak,which is mainly manifested as follows:firstly,the design of maternity insurance system can not effectively alleviate the economic pressure caused by childbearing and childrearing;secondly,children's medical security is not enough to alleviate the problem of "difficult and expensive to see a doctor" brought about by the marketization of medical services;thirdly,the problem of "difficult and expensive to enter kindergarten" in preschool education increases the cost of parenting.From the perspective of market supply,the supply of childbearing and childrearing protection and occupational welfare from the labor market is insufficient.The main performance is as follows:firstly,the employer deviates from the implementation of the national compulsory maternity protection system;secondly,the employer's autonomous childbearing and childrearing protection and occupational welfare is unbalanced.From the perspective of social supply,the supply of socialized nurseries is extremely scarce.The main performance is as follows:firstly.the total supply gap is huge,which is difficult to meet the service demand;secondly,the main supply structure is seriously unbalanced,"public" retreats "and" people"advances,and private profit-making market institutions become the main force;thirdly,the supply content pays more attention to" education "than" insurance ",which is difficult to meet the daily care demand;fourthly,the lack of institutional qualification makes it difficult to guarantee the service quality.Then,it tries to analyze the problems in the supply of childbearing and childrearing welfare from five dimensions:historical tradition,national construction,welfare value and government governance.From the perspective of historical tradition,the supply of childbearing and childrearing welfare has the path dependence of the historical gene of familism,so as to analyze the unlimited responsibility of the family in the supply of childbearing and childrearing welfare.From the perspective of national construction,the construction of childbearing and childrearing welfare supply system has instrumental significance to serve the national construction,so as to analyze the "liquidity" of public and private boundaries in the supply of childbearing and childrearing welfare.From the perspective of value concept.China does not have the independent value of welfare development at present,so it is difficult to realize the childbearing and childrearing welfare policy and the substantial expansion of government responsibility in a certain period of time.From the perspective of governance structure,the construction and improvement of the current childbearing and childrearing welfare supply system is subject to the division of responsibilities and cooperation within the government.And it analyzes why some childbearing and childrearing welfare policies are difficult to implement from the implementation levelThen,this paper summarizes the main experience of different welfare system types of national childbearing and childrearing welfare supply,and obtains the enlightenment value of constructing and improving China's childbearing and childrearing welfare supply system.Several representatives are selected from countries with different types of welfare system.In the United States,the supply of cash or in kind welfare is mainly based on selective government intervention;service support is based on the government's selective intervention to promote the participation of multiple subjects;it is difficult to solve the conflict between women's employment and childbirth by regulating the main body of the labor market,and it is difficult to effectively protect women's childbearing and childrearing rights and employment rights.In Germany,the cash welfare supply of childbearing and childrearing welfare mainly comes from the social insurance based on multi-party cooperation and the government's direct or indirect payment;the supply of child care services is moving towards the diversified cooperation between the government and non-profit organizations;the strict regulation of childbearing and childrearing protection in the labor market has achieved the compatibility of women's work and family;in Sweden,the cash welfare payment of childbearing and childrearing welfare is more and more important The government provides high-level and inclusive welfare allowance;in terms of the supply of child care services,the government is mainly public,supplemented by the intervention of non-profit organizations;the birth protection regulation in the labor market has greatly promoted gender equality and the compatibility of women's work and family,realizing the dual needs of women's birth protection and employment protection to the maximum extent;in Japan,the cash welfare payment of childbearing and childrearing welfare mainly focuses on selective government intervention and social cooperation insurance;on the other hand,it mainly focuses on government supply and social participation;on the other hand,it is difficult to achieve the balance between work and family due to the childbearing and childrearing protection regulation in the labor market.Based on the experience of four countries,we can get some useful enlightenment:the system design of childbearing and childrearing welfare needs to find the correct value orientation,the protection of women and children needs legislation firstly,the multi cooperation with the government as the main body is the inevitable choice of childbearing and childrearing welfare supply,and the expansion of childbearing and childrearing welfare supply should adhere to the principle of gradual progressFinally,it designs the overall framework of improving the multiple supply mechanism of childbearing and childrearing welfare in China in the future.First of all.we need to clarify the value concept of childbearing and childrearing welfare supply,and put forward the four basic concepts of people-oriented,social rights,social investment and gender equality;secondly,we need to determine the dominant responsibility of the state in the supply of childbearing and childrearing welfare and the responsibility division and cooperation mechanism within the government.The leading responsibility of the state is shown in three aspects:firstly,the state should formulate the relevant legislation to determine the welfare rights of women and children and their families,and formulate the welfare standards enjoyed by women and children in welfare supply.Secondly,we should focus on the regulation of employment discrimination caused by childbearing.By the system design,the state should increase the government's financial responsibility for the existing childbearing and childrearing welfare policy,and gradually improve the level of treatment payment,so as to enhance the "de commercialization" ability of the current maternity welfare policy.At the same time,it is also necessary to establish a division of responsibilities and cooperation mechanism within the government,and clarify the financial responsibilities of the central government and local governments vertically,and clarify the cooperation and coordination mechanism between government functional departments horizontally.Finally,it proposes to establish an interactive cooperation mechanism between the state and the family,market and society.First,the establishment of the state's direct intervention and support mechanism for families.Secondly,it should improve the regulation and guidance mechanism of the state on the main body of the labor market.Thirdly,the national support and standard mechanism for nurseries should be improved.The last part of the article attempts to supplement the welfare pluralism paradigm.Based on the analysis of the practical dilemma of welfare pluralism paradigm,this paper proposes that in order to make the theoretical analysis paradigm of welfare pluralism more instructive,we should not only pay attention to the static and ought to be normative division of responsibilities among multiple subjects,but also pay attention to the interaction between subjects from a dynamic perspective.Therefore,this paper puts forward the interaction and cooperation mechanism between state and market,state and society.It is a theoretical supplement to welfare pluralism and completes the theoretical contribution of this paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:urban women, childbearing and childrearing welfare, welfare pluralism, interaction and cooperation
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