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Research On Qin Jue System

Posted on:2022-06-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:M WenFull Text:PDF
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In Chinese history,the State of Qin established the first authoritarian centralized state,and its series of political and legal systems had an important influence on the society of Qin and Han Dynasties,among which the Jue system(??)affected the social relations and social structure at that time.With the large number of documents unearthed in the Qin and Han periods,There are more abundant materials for the research on the system of the nobility of the state of Qin,but there is still a need for in-depth discussion on the basis of previous studies:First,the way Qin obtains titles is more diverse.In addition to military merits,there are also nobles,inheritance,and sale of titles.It is necessary to further improve the research of Qin's way of obtaining titles;Second,with the continuous enrichment of unearthed documents and materials,the change process of the related titles and titles in the Qin nobility system has gradually become clear,and further sorting is needed;Third,the current social positioning of Qin Jue is insufficient,and Qin Jue has not been included in the research of Qin's social hierarchy and social changes.This article is centered on unearthed documents,combined with handed down documents,through combing the problems of the Jue system in the pre-Qin period,and further clarified the formation of the noble system in the Qin country,the acquisition of noble titles,the changes in noble titles,etc.,and included the noble system in the whole In Qin society,from the aspects of social relations,social structure,etc.,to study the role of Qin Jue in establishing and maintaining the national political order and social order.The emergence of nobility has experienced a complex evolution process from "ritual" to "system".In the Shang Dynasty,Jue was just a drinking vessel.In the early Western Zhou Dynasty,Jue was combined with drinking rituals in ancestral temple sacrificial activities,linking drinking utensils with patriarchal blood identities,forming the initial order of identity hierarchy.After the middle and late Western Zhou Dynasty,this kind of identity and other order gradually developed to institutionalization,forming the embryonic form of the "noble system".The order of identities in the Western Zhou Dynasty was more complicated.There were different identities in the family blood relationship and the political relationship of the country,and the two identities coexisted together,forming the complex and chaotic status of the Zhou dynasty.In the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period,the emerging landlord class stepped onto the stage of history,and the common people could be awarded nobility by military exploits.broking the traditional patriarchal blood aristocracy,which led to major changes in the social structure.The Qin Dynasty established a series of legal systems through the Shang Yang Reform,among which an important measure was the establishment of a Jue system to reward farming.Qin Jue system had a lot to do with official titles at the beginning,and went through the process from the unity of official titles and noble titles to the separation of official titles and noble titles.The title of Jue system is not twentieth.After continuous development and improvement,the "twentieth rank system" was finally formed in the late Qin and early Han.Some titles related to the title system appeared in"Shuihudi Qin Bamboo Slips","Qin Slips Collected in Yuelu Academy","Liye Qin Slips",and"Zhangjiashan Han Tomb Bamboo Slips".From these titles,we can see that Qin Jue The stratification of the middle ranks,The stratification of scholars,officials of noble ranks and lower ranks is more obvious.The change of Qin Jue's rank and title reflects the change process of Qin Jue's"combination of titles of nobility and official to separation of titles of nobility and official".In the Qin Jue system,Gongshi(??)and Shiwu(??)are the titles of the similar Jue system class whose status is lower than that of the quasi-Jue systemt,which are higher status than the common people and the slave class.The status of"Qing"(?)in Qin Dynasty is more complicated.There are titles of nobility and officials.The"Qing"in the Jue system is the represents Credit and achievement,and the"Qing"in the Guest Secretary System is the Official status.The"Junzi"(??)in the literature is an appellation for a person with a certain special status,and it may be another name for a person whose title is"Qing"by Qin Dynasty.In the early period of the Qin jue system,"Zouma"(??)had both the dual function of titles of nobility and official,after Qin Dynasty implemented the name change policy,The Jue system function of"Zouma"is replaced by"Zanniao"(??),The concrete manifestation of the process of"combination of titles of nobility and official to separation of titles of nobility and official".Through the research of"Liye Household Register",It can be seen that Qin Jue's gifts are very wide,not only to those with military merit,but also to the general public in general."Fu Ji"(??)has no direct relationship with"size"in Qin Dynasty."Shifu"(??)is a rule for undertaking corvee,and"size"is the age definition of behavior ability and responsibility.The"Xiaojue"(??)that appeared in the documents of the Qin Dynasty is only an expression of the state of nobility.The significance of its existence is to distinguish whether the men with the title are"Fu Ji",which is the product of the combination of the Jue system and the Corvee system.Women in the Qin Dynasty had no identity title title,but they could enjoy some privileges because of the title of their deceased husband.As a kind of identity title,Jue enjoyed different political,economic and social rights,which was the basis for allocating social resources and enjoying special treatment at that time.Qin Jue system influenced the Qin society,formed a new national political order and grassroots social order,and disintegrated the traditional patriarchal clan enfeoffment system,but Qin Dynasty reform did not truly shake the privileges of the traditional aristocracy,and the contradiction between the Jue system and the official system getting bigger.After the Han Dynasty,military officials were replaced by literary officials,and the legalism behind the jue system gradually declined.Confucianism stepped onto the historical and political stage,opening the legal tradition of the unity of etiquette and law in Chinese history,Noble standard was replaced by official standard.The traditional official standard thought has its institutional and cultural roots.The patriarchal blood and hierarchical system in the traditional political system,as well as the imperial examination system in the Sui and Tang Dynasties,are the institutional reasons for the formation of official standard thought.After Dong Zhongshu of the Han Dynasty "deposed all schools of thought and respected Confucianism alone",Confucian political ideas became the political guiding ideology of traditional feudal society,deeply rooted in the country's political rule and various systems.This cultural concept is The fundamental reason for the formation of official standard thought.Confucianism pays attention to the main person,educates people morally,internally cultivates the "Tao of Loyalty and Forgiveness",externalizes the "Gentleman personality",and through a certain way,establishes an official-based social consciousness under the rule of virtue.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qin Jue System, Unearthed Documents, Status Level, Social Order, Official standard
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