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Research On Laos Marxism

Posted on:2022-08-05Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:M W PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1486306506982479Subject:Marxist philosophy
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As we all know,the Lao people in modern and contemporary history have endured decades of pain and suffering,among them,they suffered from French colonial rule and Japanese and American imperialism's aggression,which caused extreme poverty,political instability and people's livelihood in Lao society.In the early 20 th century,Marxism began to be introduced into Laos,opening a new chapter in the historical development of Lao society.Under the leadership of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party,after a long and arduous national democratic revolution,the Lao People's Democratic Republic was finally founded in 1975,the socialist system was established and the people became masters of the country.In the process of the Lao National Democratic Revolution,socialist transformation,construction and innovation,the Lao People's Revolutionary Party insisted on combining Marxism with its own reality,vigorously promoting the transformation and development of Lao society,and made remarkable achievements.From one of the least developed countries in the world in the past,it has gradually become a bright spot of social development in Southeast Asia.Among them,it is worth emphasizing that in the long and tortuous process of the national democratic revolution,socialist transformation and construction and innovation,the Lao people,based on the objective practical situation of Laos,constantly sum up practical experience,creatively apply Marxism,and create Lao Marxism with Kaysone Phomvihane thought as the typical theoretical form,and establish it as the guiding ideology and action guide of the Lao Party and the state.Needless to say,Laos Marxism is an important product in the process of Marxism globalization and nationalization,and an important form in the pedigree of Marxist theory.In other words,Laos Marxism is a typical micro research sample in the process of Marxism globalization and nationalization.It has important theoretical significance and practical value to research on Laos Marxism.Specifically,the research on Laos Marxism,it is necessary to carry out diachronic analysis,that is to research the initial gestation of Lao Marxism,the construction of Lao Marxist theoretical achievements and the practical application of Marxism in different historical periods of Laos need to be carried out through the practical dimension of historical evolution,at the same time,we should face up to the challenges of Laos Marxism and look forward to the future development of Laos Marxism.The initial gestation of Laos Marxism is the inevitable result of the joint action of various conditions and factors.In the early 20 th century,the Lao people were ruled by the French colonists,the nation was at a critical historical juncture,and the Lao movement of "saving the nation from its existence" craved the guidance of scientific theory,while Marxism to the greatest extent adapted to and satisfied the realistic needs of the Lao people seeking to save the nation.Under the guise of "civilization dissemination ",the French colonists also brought modern western ideology and culture,including Marxism.Compared with other western ideology and culture,Marxism can meet the needs of Lao society to solve the biggest practical problem of saving the nation and provide a more effective and appealing solution for Lao society.The long history of Lao Buddhist thought and Marxism have some ideas or similarities in some ideological views,which provides a cultural soil for the spread of Marxism in Laos.The initial spread of Marxism not only gave birth to the revolutionary consciousness of some feudal aristocrats and intellectuals who sought the way out of Laos,but also awakened the independent consciousness of the Lao nation and the revolutionary consciousness of the proletariat.The Marxism of the Soviet Union,China and Vietnam has a great influence on the spread and localization of Marxism in Laos,among which the Vietnamese Marxism with Ho Chi Minh thought as the main theoretical form has the greatest influence.The debate on the road of social development in Laos has further accelerated the spread of Marxism in Laos,and the establishment of the Lao District Branch of the Communist Party of Indochina has laid an organizational foundation for the spread of Marxism in Laos.It is obvious that the spread of Marxism in Laos and the gradual gestation and development of Laos Marxism eventually became the guiding ideology of the party and state of Laos,which has gone through a long historical process.Holding high the banner of Marxism,the Lao people have gone through the magnificent revolution,the transformation and construction of special significance and the vigorous innovation in the history of Laos,and finally formed the localized Marxist theoretical achievement of Laos----Kaysone Phomvihane Thought.It can be said that Kaysone Phomvihanethought is a crystallization of wisdom forged jointly by Laos Marxists.It was named after the founding leader of Laos,Kaysone Phomvihane,and was formally written into the Party Constitution by the Lao people's Revolution at the 10 th National Congress of the Party.Together with Marxism-Leninism as the Lao people's Revolutionary Party's guiding ideology and action guide.Kaysone Phomvihane thought experienced a complex process from idealism to materialism,from belief in Buddhism to belief in Marxism,and from thinking action to practical action as the initial germination of the formation and development of this thought.When the revolution was about to win,Kaysone Phomvihane flexibly applied Marxism,paid attention to strengthening the Party's own construction,and put forward the ruling party's construction thought under the realistic national conditions of Laos.This is Kaysone Phomvihane Han thought continues to mature an important symbol.Fundamentally speaking,Kaysone Phomvihane thought has been formed and developed in the Lao revolution,socialist transformation,construction and innovation,it is the most representative Marxist theoretical achievement in Laos at present,contains rich scientific connotations,always adheres to the people's mass line,vigorously promotes the development of social productive forces,and actively advocates innovation and opening up.Kaysone Phomvihane thought contains the core contents of national democratic revolution thought,economic system reform thought and Marxist philosophy thought.It not only grasps the spiritual essence and theoretical content of Marxism more accurately,but also pays attention to summing up the concrete practical experience of Laos in different historical periods.Merely,theory is gray and rooted in practice,the vitality of theory is displayed in concrete practical activities.It is the product of the combination of the universal truth of Marxism and the concrete reality of Laos,not the natural result of a theoretical logic deduction from the vivid reality of Laos.It is the inevitable result of abstract generalization based on historical facts of Laos.The Lao Marxists deeply analyzed and grasped the practice of Lao revolution,the socialist transformation and the construction as well as the innovation,had obtained the world recognized historic achievement.In the revolutionary struggle,the Lao Marxists put forward the joint strategic view,inherited and developed the Marxist United front and revolutionary strategic thought,With the establishment and expansion of the armed forces of "Pathet Lao",unswervingly carried out revolutionary struggle,advocated that " violent revolution " is the main form of proletarian revolution,enriched the theory of proletarian liberation,advocated the idea that " the people are the main body of revolution " and deepened the historical mission of the proletariat.In the process of social transformation,creatively use Marxism,strengthen the fundamental direction of socialism,and put forward practical and effective methods such as "peaceful transformation "," comprehensive transformation" and "gradual transformation ".Greatly enriched the " transition to socialism " thought.In the process of innovation,accurately understand Marx's thought of "Across the capitalist Caudine Valley",strengthen Laos' determination of innovation and opening up,and steadily promote the reform of Laos economic system and the development of social economy;To clarify the ideological guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field and to safeguard the Lao people's political and ideological identity to Lao socialism;Adhering to the idea of "Proletarians of all countries,unite! ",carrying out opening to the outside world,actively integrating into the historical process of globalization,resolutely defending the national interests of Laos,and pragmatically carrying out a comprehensive diplomatic strategy.It can be said that the Laos Marxists have made historic achievements by deeply analyzing and grasping the Laos revolution,transformation,construction and innovation practice.Moreover,with the development of the construction practice of socialism with Lao characteristics in the new period and the ever-changing international situation,the enrichment and development of Lao Marxism will enter a new historical stage.However,As a younger socialist country,on the one hand,Lao's youth means infinite vitality and infinite potential,on the other hand,it also exposes its tender and delicate.Especially under the background of world multipolarization,economic globalization,cultural diversification and social informatization,Lao Marxism will also face many challenges.Specifically,there are the challenge of "world conditions" in changing political,economic and historical landscape around the world,There are also "friendship" challenges between socialist countries with special relations on development model,inter-party relations and future and destiny,there are also challenges brought by the "national conditions ",such as the weak foundation of productive forces development,the low level of social economy,the relatively low scientific and cultural literacy of citizens,the deep traditional Buddhist thought,the heavy task of sustainable development and the need to strengthen ideological and moral education.All these challenges call for further answers to the questions of The Times of "why and how to adhere to Marxism,and why and how to adhere to socialism".However,as we all know,Laos is one of the least developed countries,weak national strength,ethereal sense of existence,relatively closed and limited space,coupled with deep-rooted Buddhist ideas,to accurately answer the "question of the times ",still need hard exploration.Reflecting on the historical process of the development of Laos Marxism and socialism,the Lao Party and people should not be satisfied with the achievements of the past history,should face the predicament of reality calmly,need to carry the hope of "future" in the arduous exploration,strengthen the belief in Marxism and confidence in socialism,and imagine the future of Marxism in Laos based on facts.This imagination should be based on the characteristics of the times and the reality of Laos.It is necessary not only to expand the theoretical development space of Laos Marxism from the aspects of broadening the theoretical horizon,grasping the theoretical connotation and strengthening the theoretical stand,but also to base itself on the local practice of Laos,to further clarify the necessity,importance and subjectivity of the localization of Marxism in Laos,to carry out the historical responsibility of Laos Marxism,to resolutely safeguard the contemporary value of Laos Marxism,to cultivate the spirit of the Lao nation and the times,to realize the prosperity and prosperity of the Lao country and the happiness of the people's life,and to reveal the profound connotation and historical law of the unity of the world and nationality of Marxism.Generally speaking,Laos Marxism demonstrates the universal applicability of Marxism,and at the same time carries the nationality and uniqueness of Laos itself.It is the product of the times towards Lao nationality in the process of Marxism globalization.Has the distinct individuality characteristic and the important value significance.It is just like the Laos proverb "Rice bears fruit because there are ditches",reflects the Lao people's cognition of causality with simple dialectical thought.If the Lao Marxism formed in the process of Lao revolution,socialist transformation,construction and innovation is described as "Rice bears fruit ",then "because there are ditches" points to the true spirit of Marxism and the magnificent social practice of Laos.In the new period of innovation,the Lao Party and people must truly adhere to the true spirit of Lao Marxism,guard against dogmatism mistakes,and strictly guard against deviations from Marxism.Under the fundamental premise of adhering to the true spirit of Marxism,we should constantly create a new situation for the development of Marxism with Lao local characteristics,open up new ideas for Lao innovation journey and innovate new ideas for Lao social development,so the eradication of poverty in Laos is just a matter of time.The development of Lao society is not only conducive to the realization of the fundamental interests of the Lao people,but also conducive to the development of Marxism in the world.It can also provide a new development model and development choice for countries as backward as Laos.The study of Laos Marxism is of great significance to promote the process of Marxism globalization and nationalization and the development of Marxism.In a word,it is of great value to analyze and study Laos Marxism in a comprehensive and systematic way,which is of great value to better promote the process of globalization and nationalization of Marxism and to promote the study of Marxism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Laos Marxism, Marxist cosmopolitanity, Marxist nationality, Kaysone Phomvihane, Philosophy
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