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Research On China-ASEAN Strategic Mutual Trust Construction

Posted on:2022-04-29Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1486306338965909Subject:International politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper makes a study on the China-ASEAN strategic mutual trust building.By sorting out the concept and connotation of strategic mutual trust,this paper forms a theoretical analysis framework on the strategic mutual trust building on the basis of the systematic analysis of the connotation,influencing factors and pathway of strategic mutual trust building,and applies it to the research on China-ASEAN strategic mutual trust building.The analysis of China-ASEAN strategic mutual trust building includes six parts,namely the historical process,influencing factors,pathway,typical case studies and future prospects.Besides introduction and conclusion,this paper consists of six chapters.Logically the contents of this paper could be divided into three parts,beginning from the issue of strategic mutual trust building,combining the process of strategic mutual trust building between China and ASEAN,analyzing the present situation,influencing factors and pathway of their strategic mutual trust building,as well as their prospects by case study on the strategic mutual trust building between China and ASEAN and some ASEAN member states on the South China Sea issue.Firstly,this paper focuses on the mechanism and causes of the building of strategic trust by reviewing the existing research on the issue of trust in international relations,explores the inherent law of strategic mutual trust building among actors in international relations,defines the connotation of strategic mutual trust,and analyzes the components,influencing factors as well as the basic pathway of strategic mutual trust building.Secondly,based on the above theoretical analysis framework of strategic trust building,this paper focuses on the process of strategic trust building between China and ASEAN since their establishment of dialogue relations,specifically analyzes the successful experiences and influencing factors of their strategic trust building in different stages,and summarizes the laws and characteristics of their strategic trust building.On such basis,this paper then puts forward some thoughts on the pathway of strategic mutual trust building between China and ASEAN.Finally,this paper anaylizes the prospects of strategic trust building between China and ASEAN through the case studies on the strategic mutual trust building between China and ASEAN as well as China and some ASEAN member states on the South China Sea issue,combining the COVID-19 pandemic and adjustment of U.S.foreign policy after the Biden administration came into power.To better safeguard China's sovereignty,security and development interests,this paper also puts forward thoughts and suggestions on upgrading China-ASEAN strategic partnership relations and building a closer China-ASEAN community with a shared future.The conclusion of this paper is that we should fully realize the complexity and long-term nature of the South China Sea issue in the process of strategic mutual trust building between China and ASEAN.Under the premise of interference from powers outside the region and the fact that ASEAN could not change its balancing big powers strategy fundamentally,C hina should strengthen its own national image and soft power construction and improve ASEAN's perception of China.Since the interests between China and ASEAN has become more converged,it is all the more important for us to put our heart into the practice of neighborhood diplomacy in the principle of amity,sincerity,mutual benefit and inclusiveness.We need to make the building of a China-ASEAN community with a shared future an example for the building of a community with a shared future with our neighboring countries,and a model for countries,big or small to treat each other as equals,properly handle differences and seek common development.
Keywords/Search Tags:China, ASEAN, strategic mutual trust, building
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