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Research On The Work Of The CCP's Enemy During The War Of Liberation

Posted on:2022-06-29Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:F F YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1486306338965899Subject:Scientific Socialism and the international communist movement
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Disintegrating the enemy is one of the three major principles of our military's political work.In previous revolutionary wars and anti-aggression wars,the enemy's work of the CCP has made indelible feats with its glorious achievements in disintegrating the enemy's forces.It has played a huge role in accelerating the victory of the revolutionary war.It is very important in the history of the CCP ' s revolutionary war.status.During the War of Liberation,on the basis of previous work experience,the enemy's work of the CCP was further developed and improved.Its successful development accelerated the victory of the War of Liberation.During this period,the CCP enemy's work was able to achieve such results.The most important point was that the revolutionary war under the leadership of the CCP was just,in line with the interests of the broad masses of the people,and laid the initial mass foundation for winning the revolutionary war.In addition,at the beginning of the Revolutionary War,the CCP actively welcomed people from all walks of life who yearned for domestic peace and opposed the dictatorship of Chiang Kai-shek,including patriots in the Kuomintang,to join the revolutionary camp,expanding the social foundation for the struggle against the Kuomintang reactionaries.At the same time,with the continuous advancement of the Revolutionary War,the Kuomintang suffered successive military defeats,and the military defeats intensified the contradictions among the various factions within the Kuomintang,which provided further favorable conditions for the successful development of the enemy's work..Under the guidance of the leaders of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China represented by Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai,the CCP took advantage of the favorable conditions for carrying out the enemy's work to carry out political disintegration of the Kuomintang officers and soldiers,and achieved remarkable results.This article takes the development of the CCP enemy's work as the starting point,and takes the intelligence collection,instigation work,capture work,and the thorough transformation of the uprising and peaceful reorganization of troops in the work of the enemy's work as the investigation content,and uses specific examples as the carrier to show the CCP's opposition to the enemy.The specific development of each work,sort out the specific process of each work,and explore the reasons for the success of each work and the problems that have occurred.The successful development of the CCP's enemy army work has won a large number of Kuomintang officers and soldiers to turn to the CCP,showing the CCP ' s flexible strategy of fighting the enemy,assisting in the development of direct military struggles against the enemy,and accelerating the victory of the War of Liberation.The thesis is composed of two parts: the introduction and the main text: the introduction consists of the origin of the topic,the significance of the topic,the review of related research,the research methods and ideas of the thesis,and the difficulties and innovations of the research.The main text consists of five chapters,the main contents are as follows:The first chapter is the basis and deployment of the enemy's work during the War of Liberation.This chapter first reviews the development of the enemy's work during the Agrarian Revolutionary War and the Anti-Japanese War,including the development of the soldier movement during the Agrarian Revolutionary War,the initial establishment of enemy work organizations such as the Soldier's Committee and the Department of Destruction,and the CCP ' s confrontation during the Anti-Japanese War.The disintegration of the enemy and the puppet forces was carried out and the enemy's work department was established.On this basis,further explore the adjustment and improvement of the CCP in the establishment of the enemy's work organization,the training and selection of the enemy's work cadres,and the implementation of the enemy's relevant policies during the War of Liberation in the context of the development and change of the objective environment.The second chapter is the development of intelligence collection in the work of the enemy.This chapter mainly introduces the shift of the work focus of the Central Intelligence Department of the Communist Party of China during the War of Liberation,the source of intelligence information in the enemy's work,and the development of intelligence personnel's instigation work.The acquisition of military intelligence information is a prerequisite for the CCP to carry out its work against the enemy,and it is also an indispensable and important part of the CCP's work to disintegrate the enemy.The CCP ' s intelligence agencies,the Urban Work Department,and underground party organizations collaborated with the enemy ' s industrial departments to conduct investigations and research on the enemy and collect intelligence and information,laying an important foundation for the successful development of the enemy's disintegration work.The third chapter is the development of the work of instigating rebellion against the enemy in the work of the enemy.It mainly discusses the specific development of the CCP 's countermeasures against the enemy,including the development of the CCP's political offensive against the enemy and the CCP's organization of internal uprisings in the national army.The basic principles of the CCP's political offensive,the methods and effects of the political offensive were classified in detail,and the types of KMT generals' uprisings and the CCP's specific strategies for instigating the KMT's uprisings were also summarized and summarized.The fourth chapter is about fighting for the capture of officers and soldiers,completely transforming the uprising,and reorganizing the troops peacefully.Mainly discusses the CCP's transformation and utilization of captured officers and soldiers,introducing the CCP's transformation of the Kuomintang uprising,surrender,and peaceful reorganization of troops jobs.In view of the differences in the class stance between the captive officers and the captive soldiers and the time they were affected by the Kuomintang's counter-revolutionary education,this chapter distinguishes the CCP's transformation and utilization of the captive officers and soldiers,highlighting the CCP's cautiousness and use of the captive officers.Strictly,it summarizes a series of preferential policies formulated by the CCP to promote the Kuomintang uprising,surrender,and peacefully reorganized troops.The fifth chapter is about the experience and significance of the enemy's work in the Chinese Communist Party during the War of Liberation.The paper summarizes the thesis mainly from two aspects: the successful experience of the enemy's work and the significance of the enemy's work.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liberation War, enemy work, intelligence collection, instigating rebellion against the enemy, reforming prisoners
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