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A Study Of The French Factor In The Formation And Development Of Marx And Engels' Thought

Posted on:2021-10-19Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1486306041972939Subject:Foreign Marxism
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Drawing on the most advanced ideological and theoretical achievements of that era,Marx and Engels' thought is broad and profound.France was one of the most developed capitalist countries at that time,and accordingly became the origin of the proletariat and the socialist movement.In the situation at that time,the study of capitalism and France became one of the main lines of the formation and development of Marx and Engels' thought.Although only one country's factors can not generalize the whole,it is beneficial to explore,deepen and enrich the formation and development of Marxism.In order to clarify the influence mechanism of these French factors on the formation and development of Marx and Engels' thought,this paper is divided into seven chapters according to the main process of the formation and development of Marx and Engels' thought.Chapter one specifically analyses the enlightening effect of the French revolutionary heritage on Marx and Engels' thought.The province of Rhine,the hometown of Marx and Engels,borders France,and was ruled by Napoleon's government for ten years after the French Revolution.Therefore,the French Enlightenment,the French Revolution and the July Revolution and their ideas have a great impact on Germany,especially Rhine.Utopian socialism was also introduced into Germany.These factors indirectly affect the soul of young Marx and Engels through their family,teachers,friends and social groups,and have an important impact on their early life values and political tendencies.The second chapter mainly analyses the important role of living practice of Marx and Engels in the transformation of their world outlook.In the Rhine Period,the difficulty of expressing opinions on French socialist theory made Marx realize the necessity of theoretical demonstration of socialism;in the Crosshatch Period,the study of French revolutionary history provided historical experience support and Enlightenment for the transformation of Marx's world outlook.Finally,the direct interaction with the French socialists and workers' movement in Paris played a key role in the thorough transformation of Marx's world outlook.While Engels' one-week visit to Paris and his study of various French socialist thoughts also promoted the transformation of his world outlook.Chapter three mainly examines the important influence of various excellent French academic theories and typical social practices on the construction and formation of Marx and Engels' new world outlook.In terms of academic thought,it is mainly the various French socialist doctrines,the history of the French revolution,the history of the Restoration period,and the French materialism of the 18 th century that have become the important ideological sources of Marxism.The observation and guidance of the revolutionary practice of the French workers' movement provided an important practical basis for the formation of Marxism,especially for the formation of their thought of scientific communism.The fourth chapter analyses the first test of Marx and Engels' scientific thought by the French Revolution in 1848 and the summary of Marx and Engels' revolutionary experience.Marx and Engels used historical materialism to make a scientific analysis of the causes of the February Revolution,the class struggle of the revolutionary and the results of the revolution.On this basis,they made the class theory more detailed and deepened their understanding of the complexity and tortuosity of the historical development.Through the analysis of the June Revolution of Paris workers,Marx and Engels further further developed the theory of Marxist strategy;through the analysis of the coup d'etat of Louis Bonaparte on the 18 th of the fog month,Marx and Engels had a new understanding of the timing of the revolution and the relationship between individuals and society.During this period,Marx and Engels came to Paris twice to observe and participate in the revolution directly,which provided rich perceptual materials and arguments for the study of revolutionary theory.Chapters 6 and 7 mainly analyze the French factors in the process of development and deepening after the formation of Marx and Engels' thought.In terms of political economy,the French physiocratic School of political economy and other political economic thoughts provided useful reference for Marx's second great discovery,while the translation,publication and revision of the French version of Das Kapital made it have unique scientific value.In the process of applying scientific socialism to the workers' movement,Marx and Engels guided the struggle of the French branch of the First International,which promoted the development of the proletarian struggle strategy.Meanwhile,the Paris Commune Revolution,which shocked the world in 1871,enriched and developed Marx and Engels' national,revolutionary,party and future social theories.In his later years after the Paris Commune,Marx and Engels promoted the activities and practices of the Party building of the French Workers' Party,and promoted the development of the strategies and principles of the proletarian struggle of in peacetime.In the part of summary,this paper further analyses the relationship between French factors and other European factors in the formation and development of Marx and Engels' thought at that time,and points out that Marx and Engels' thought itself is a whole,formed and developed under the joint action of the factors of all countries in the world,while French factors are only a special part of it.At the same time,it makes a comprehensive analysis of the French factors in the formation and development of Marx's and Engels' thoughts,and orientates their respective roles.It can be seen that French factors in the growth environment and interpersonal communication play a fundamental role,the French factors in the summary of revolutionary movement and living practice play a key role,and the French factors in the study of academic thought play an important complementary role in the formation and development of Marx and Engels' thought.Finally,the significance of this paper to the study of Marx and Engels' ideological connotation,the history of Marxism and the history of French Marxism is expounded.
Keywords/Search Tags:French factor, Marx and Engels thought, practice, development
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