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On Lin Shu's “Translation Writing”

Posted on:2022-11-25Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S N ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485306749955559Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Lin Shu's “Yi Bi”,that is Lin Shu's “translation writing”,it is the overall expression of literary words,styles,rules,emotion and sentence writing in Lin Shu's translation novel.It is not only the intersection of translation form and secondary creation,but also the translated expression of Lin Shu's literary thoughts,literature art and literary spirit.In short,the essence of Lin Shu's “translation writing” is the fact that Lin Shu rewrites foreign novels in localization and reshapes culture.Lin Shu's translation writing not only contains the elegance of ancient Chinese prose,but also integrates the writing skills of western novels.It's content is novel and vivid,and it's form is subtle and ingenious.Lin Shu's translation writing is a special cultural phenomenon under the background of the alternation of the old and the new in the late Qing Dynasty.It not only has the dual ownership of literature and translation,but also shows the intervention and influence of ethical thought in the text field.Its unique literary and artistic aesthetics often reflects the social trend of thought.Generally speaking,the “translation writing” reflects Lin Shu's scholar character and artistic accomplishment.Its existence not only affects the development direction of modern literature,but also promotes the modern transformation of traditional novels.It has an irreplaceable position and value in the history of Chinese literature.On the basis of case study,comparative study and comprehensive study,this paper discusses Lin Shu's language,art and thoughts of translation writing,sorts out the rewriting phenomenon of the translated style mainly by adding and deleting translations,explores the intake and manipulation of loyalty complex to the translation writing,and then,through the comparison between the original text and the translated text,expounds the changing forms and writing forms of Lin Shu's translation writing in different translation dimensions.In addition to the introduction,this paper consists of five chapters:The first chapter investigates the linguistic strategy of Lin Shu's translation writing.By reviewing the evolution,growth and decline of classical Chinese and vernacular Chinese,the integration of modern “union of speaking and writing”,this paper illustrates the driving role of historical and realistic factors in Lin Shu's“vernacular into translation”,and further proves the necessity and rationality of Lin Shu's adoption of vernacular sayings in the process of translation based on the examples of “integration of classical Chinese and vernacular Chinese”;Taking“Europeanized morphology” and “Europeanized syntax” as the focus of the phenomenon of “foreign language transfer”,and this paper explores Lin Shu's choice and reservation of foreign language in his translation by comparing the cases;The“notes” and “comments” are two important ways for Lin Shu to explain,interpret and express his views on the original text.They are not only the constituent elements of the translation writing,but also the window to understand Lin Shu's translation concept and translation thought.The second chapter focuses on the literature grammar of Lin Shu's translation writing.The double standards of Lin Shu “for writing” and “for translation” are the premise that his translation can show artistic tension.Lin Shu's attitude for “serious and cautious” in poetry and prose creation is in sharp contrast with “bold and abrupt”in novel translation.This unconventional style of translator not only liberates the shackles of ancient Chinese precepts on translation,but also creates relatively free conditions for Lin Shu's translation writing to absorb western literary thoughts and enrich artistic expression.The grammatical features of Lin Shu's translation integrate the respective advantages of Chinese and Western literature,and then show the translation form and literary pattern of “to make communication between China and foreign culture with unrestrained tradition”.This style of writing expression combined with the characteristics of Chinese and foreign literature has laid the artistic tone of Lin Shu's translation writing to a certain extent and enriched its aesthetic color.The third chapter analyzes the connotative involvement of Lin Shu's family and country feelings in translation writing.With the deepening of national crisis in modern times and the promotion of patriotic thoughts,the status of novels has been promoted unprecedentedly,which provides a realistic source for Lin Shu's translation writing to display his feelings of family and country;The prefaces and postscripts of Lin Shu's translation novels about “the spirit of reform”,“the complex of loyalty to the monarch”,and “Reflection on nation's deep-rooted bad habits” are the intuitive embodiment of Lin Shu's family and country feelings.These thoughts of prefaces and postscripts take rewriting as the means,through “the construction of the discourse mode of kingliness”,“the guidance of patriotic emotion”,“the criticism of reflecting facts” as the forms of expression and involve in the practice of translation writing,so as to convey Lin Shu's strong loyalty and patriotism at the translation level.The fourth chapter discusses the ethical influence of Lin Shu's concept of filial piety on translation writing.Lin Shu's interpretation of western novels with “three cardinal guides and five constant principles” is actually due to the intentional misreading of traditional loyalty and filial piety in translation.This kind of intentional misreading takes the addition of “filial piety words” and “filial piety behavior” that have never appeared in the original works as the value yardstick,the image creation to“pure filial piety” and “rare filial piety” of the characters in the original works as well as the strengthening of the willingness of the characters in the original works to“revenge for mother” and “obey father's orders” as the aesthetic expression,thus highlighting the appeal and penetration of “filial piety” in the translation writing.The artistic treatment of “filial piety” in Lin Shu's translation writing not only negates the thought trend of “non filial piety” in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China,but also contains Lin Shu's hope of upholding the ethical principles.The fifth chapter analyzes Lin Shu's thought on transformation of women's morality in the original works.This part starts from Lin Shu's theory of “promoting women education” and “restricting women rights”,and discusses that his purpose of creating “perfect women” at the level of translation is to show the sublimation of women's meaning from “loyalty for affection” to “loyalty for monarch”;On the other hand,Lin Shu's rewriting and guidance for the original female's “concept of propriety and defense”“great righteousness emotion” is also an attempt that through the“correctness” of the translation writing to weaken the description of women rights in original works about females,then expresses the transformation of the original text by the concept of ethics,and shows the continuation of the female morality spirit at the level of translation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lin Shu, the language of translation writing, the thought of translation writing, the art of translation writing
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