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The Spread And Research On Lu Xun And His Literary Works In Vietnam

Posted on:2022-07-28Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Q H P H ( ? ) M T H ( ? Full Text:PDF
GTID:1485306728483814Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As neighbors,China and Vietnam are bordered by land and sea.The two countries have a history of political,economic and cultural exchanges for thousands of years.Due to the close contacts between China and Vietnam,China has had an important influence on Vietnam's politics,economy and culture since the Qin Dynasty.In today's era of globalization,no matter which country's literature can not be limited to its own scope,Chinese literature is no exception.Excellent works of Chinese literature and art have long been translated into Vietnam and become an indispensable spiritual food for Vietnamese readers.In the past half century,they have accompanied generation after generation of Vietnamese readers in the field of Vietnamese literature and enriched Vietnamese literature.Among the modern Chinese literature writers,Lu Xun,known as a Chinese writer,thinker and one of the founders of modern Chinese literature,is the first one to be spread to Vietnam.His works are not only selected into Vietnamese middle school textbooks as teaching content,but also the research object of Literature Department of Vietnamese University.Because the content reflected in Lu Xun's works is closely related to the liberation of the Vietnamese nation,it is deeply loved and respected by Vietnamese readers.It is widely spread in Vietnam and has become a bridge for literary and cultural exchange between China and Vietnam.This paper takes Lu Xun and his literary works as the research object,expounds the whole process from translation,reception and dissemination and research in Vietnam,further analyzes its influence on the fields of Vietnamese literature and education,and affirms that Lu Xun has an important position not only in the Vietnamese literary world,but also in the world literary world.Since Lu Xun appeared in the literary world,there has been no interruption in the translation and research of Lu Xun in China and many countries in the world,and the translation and research of Lu Xun in Vietnam has a history of nearly 80 years.During this period,Vietnam constantly published and reprinted many Vietnamese translations of Lu Xun's works and monographs,articles and doctoral and master's theses on Lu Xun's studies,which proved that Lu Xun not only occupied a lofty position in the Vietnamese literary world,but also in the hearts of the Vietnamese people.This paper consists of six parts:The first part is the introduction,which expounds the research's background,research's internal-external status,research methods,research significance and structural arrangement of this subject,and summarizes its innovation,difficulties and shortcomings.In recent years,Lu Xun's overseas translation and research have attracted special attention of Chinese and foreign scholars,especially Japan,followed by the United States,Russia,South Korea,Singapore and Southeast Asia.The translation and research of Lu Xun in Vietnam is still a strange field in Chinese literary circles.Therefore,we want to provide a reference for Lu Xun's overseas translation and research.The main research methods used in this paper are: investigation,comparative analysis,especially according to the records of interviews with Vietnamese Lu Xun scholars,which is helpful to analyze and evaluate the research situation of Lu Xun in Vietnam.The second part: mainly in Vietnam's important historical stage as the background,discusses Lu Xun and his literary works in Vietnam dissemination and research process.Before the success of Vietnam's August Revolution in 1945,foreign progressive literature was strictly blocked by French colonists in Vietnam,and Vietnam's literary world needed an innovative movement.This paper introduces Dang Thai Mai,Lu Xun and their literary works in Vietnam.Then,under the background of the successful revolution in August1945 to the liberation of southern Vietnam in 1975 and the unification,independence and freedom of Vietnam,this paper combs the prosperous period of Lu Xun and his literary works translation and research in Vietnam,and analyzes why Lu Xun was widely spread in Vietnam.Finally,in the background after 1975,from the cold Sino Vietnamese relations to the restoration of normal diplomatic relations,this paper expounds the dilemma of Lu Xun and his literary works in Vietnam,and also introduces the new features of Lu Xun and his literary works in Vietnam after Vietnam's reform and opening up in 1986.Through these three stages,this paper analyzes and investigates the spread and acceptance of Lu Xun and his works in Vietnam,so as to depict a complete panorama of Lu Xun's translation,dissemination and research in Vietnam,and grasp it as a whole as possible.The third part: mainly investigate the spread and acceptance of Lu Xun and his literary works in Vietnam through translation and media.The first task is to investigate the Vietnamese translators and Vietnamese versions of Lu Xun's works.According to statistics,up to now,five Vietnamese translators have translated Lu Xun's works in Vietnam,so there are five Vietnamese versions that can be collected.Different translators have different backgrounds of life and times,different regional backgrounds and different translation styles,which lead to some differences between the Vietnamese versions of Lu Xun's works and some translation problems compared with the original works,causing some debates in the Vietnamese literary world.After that,this paper also introduces the publishing houses,newspapers and periodicals that are committed to the dissemination and acceptance of Lu Xun and his literary works in Vietnam by investigating the Vietnamese media.The fourth part: This paper selects Dang Thai Mai,Phuong Luu and Le Huy Tieu and their works on Lu Xun,analyzes their academic basis,different research methods and their research results,points out their understanding and evaluation of Lu Xun and his works,and affirms their influence and contribution in the field of Lu Xun studies in Vietnam.By analyzing their different research perspectives and methods,this paper points out their understanding,understanding and evaluation of Lu Xun and his works.Dang Thai Mai is the founder of Chinese literature and Lu Xun studies in Vietnam.His study "Lu Xun's life and literature and art" represents the study of Lu Xun in Vietnam in the 1940s and 1950s.He combined literary works with the appearance of writers,which can be described as an accurate and relatively comprehensive research.However,due to some objective reasons,although his early research results were not very in-depth,they caused the popularity of Lu Xun in Vietnam at that time,and also created conditions for cultivating Lu Xun researchers in Vietnam in the future.In the 1970s,Phuong Luu's literary theorist Lu Xun further broadened the research field of Lu Xun in Vietnam.He mainly used the methods of analysis and comparison to combine with the Soviet literary theory,and took "theory practice" as the research mode to carry out the research on Lu Xun's creative practice and literary thought,which made Lu Xun's theory popular,easy to understand and easy to use.In the 1980 s,Le Huy Tieu's research on the Poetics of Lu Xun's novels,based on the poetics theory and the leading ideology of Lu Xun's novel creation,comprehensively analyzes the creative techniques of Lu Xun's novels through the two novel collections of cry and hesitation,and proves that the structure of the works is greatly influenced by the writer's subjective thoughts.The ultimate goal is to clearly and clearly explore the research situation of Lu Xun and his works in Vietnam.The fifth part:studies the influence of Lu Xun and his literary works on Vietnam,which is mainly reflected in the field of literature and education.Lu Xun and his literary works not only influence the modernization of Vietnamese literature,but also influence Vietnamese writers,translators,readers and critics.Because Lu Xun's works were selected as the teaching content in college textbooks,Lu Xun and his works also influenced generations of young people in Vietnam.The sixth part: This paper expounds the significance and value of the dissemination,acceptance and research of Lu Xun and his literary works in Vietnam.Lu Xun's works are full of humanistic care and exploration of the meaning of life,while the exposure and criticism of darkness and decay in his works show a kind of fearless spirit.Its revolutionary and educational values have a positive impact on Vietnamese youth,so we still need this national spirit,patriotism,traditional culture education and critical spirit.In short,it is of great value and significance for Vietnam to study Lu Xun and his works,a pioneer of the new culture movement and a master of critical realism.Then,based on the previous research results,it points out that there are some deviations and misunderstandings in the process of dissemination and research of Lu Xun and his works in Vietnam,and puts forward feasible solutions to these problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lu Xun works, Vietnam's literature, Influence, Spread research
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