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The Research Of Shihua Collection Of Poetry Techniques In Qing Dynasty

Posted on:2021-12-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485306722957789Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The compilation of poetic words of the Qing Dynasty is a synthesis of the compilation of poetic words of past dynasties,the works of poetic words since Yuan and Ming Dynasties and the poetic style of Tang and Song Dynasties.The emergence of a large number of such poetics documents is the most obvious symbol of the era when the poetics of Qing Dynasty was concentrated,but it has not received much attention from the academic circles so far.As far as "poetic method" is concerned,scholars have always been biased against it and ignored it,taking it as a last-ditch skill.As far as "Poetry Collection" is concerned,the Qing Dynasty's special-generation,special-land collections such as Chronicle of Song Poetry and Quanzhe Poetry Collection have attracted researchers' attention because of their abundant data collection.However,the compilation of poetic methods,which is more conscious of writing,is ignored because of the stereotype of poetic methods in the world,and it is difficult for anyone to truly understand the intention of the editors.A detailed and detailed analysis of each collection of poems and phrases in Qing Dynasty is the basis for revealing the basic situation,editing features and material sources of such works.Then,it is comprehensively summarized and induced,thus providing a reliable basis for the overall study of poetics in Qing Dynasty.The main body of this paper consists of four parts(four chapters).The introduction part mainly introduces the basic situation of past dynasties' poetry and poetry compilation,and the general position of poetry compilation in the whole Qing poetry.Finally,the related research achievements at home and abroad are briefly reviewed and summarized.The first chapter explains the continuation and development of the compilation of poetic words in the Qing Dynasty.Firstly,it introduces the general situation of the compilation of poetry and law in Ming Dynasty,and explains its reference significance to Qing people.Then,taking the specific works of Qing Dynasty as an example,it explains its continuation and development to Ming people.Among them,most of them only draw lessons from Ming people's methods,and a few early works completely follow the way of Ming people's writing and become continuation works.However,on this basis,Qing people also developed and innovated.It is this kind of development and innovation that has made the unique value of the compilation of poetic words of the Qing Dynasty.The second chapter classifies the collection of poetic words of the Qing Dynasty and makes specific literature research.Starting with the specific text of each book,it is classified according to its writing intention,structure and material characteristics.Then,according to the completion of the book,each and book is examined in detail,which is intended to show the general picture of each book as a whole.The third chapter analyzes the phenomenon of secretly transcribing the literature which is common in the compilation of poems in Qing Dynasty,and explains the concrete process of its book formation.Among them,Wu Hanfen's "The Pleasure of Saying Poetry",which had great influence in Qing Dynasty,is the main one,explaining its source of information and the way of writing it.Then,based on this,it analyzes the situation of direct or indirect transcription of poetic materials by future generations,and forms a rather complex transcription system.Finally,it introduces the transcription of other collections of poetic methods outside this system,which is a strong evidence of the widespread transcription phenomenon.The fourth chapter focuses on explaining the characteristics of the era of "writing in place of narration" in the compilation of poetic words of the Qing Dynasty by carefully compiling the system consciousness.Firstly,it introduces the process of system consciousness from scratch in poetry compilation.Then,through the interaction between poetry compilation and comprehensive compilation in Qing Dynasty,it illustrates the sublimation of Qing people's system consciousness.Finally,the author sums up the system consciousness of "argumentation type" to prove the achievements of the Qing Dynasty in summing up the previous generation poetics,and gives a detailed explanation with a case of Xiao Canglang's Poetry.At the end of this paper,the poetic value and academic history characteristics of the compilation of poetic words in Qing Dynasty are summarized.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qing Dynasty, Poetry techniques, Shihua Collection
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