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Research On Several Issues Of Frontiers And Ethnic Groups In The Tang Dynasty As Seen In The Epitaph

Posted on:2021-09-21Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:M D ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485306722473804Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The frontier and ethnic issues are important subjects in the study of Tang history.As the basic historical materials of Tang history,the epitaph recorded some materials related to the frontier and ethnic issues of Tang Dynasty.Through the study of the issues related to Sogdian and Tibetan in Tang Dynasty,it reveals that the Sogdian became official in the Tang Dynasty and the development of the relationship between Tang and Tibet,which extends to the frontier situation and ethnic issues in Tang Dynasty."The Epitaph of Zhai Tiande" involves many historical events of the Sui-Tang period,mainly describes the uprising of Yuan City at the end of the Sui Dynasty,the first dispatch of Li Yuan in the second year of Yining(618)to offer amnesty and enlistment to Li Gui,the relationship between the early Tang Dynasty and the Turks,and the development of Livestock Husbandry Production and Management System.Combing with the historical materials,it provides important materials for understanding the relationship between the uprising of Yuan City and the establishment of Tang Dynasty,as well as the role played by the Sogdian and Turk.The epitaph of Tang Dynasty recorded many envoys sent to Tibet by Tang Dynasty,which were not recorded in historical books.Li Siliang was sent to Tibet as an ambassador during the Zhenguan years of Tang Dynasty to offer amnesty and enlistment to all tribes in the plateau.Jialingwan,an official of the Princess Jincheng Mansion,and the imperial clan children Li Zhixin used to be the envoys of Emperor Zhongzong of Tang.They went to Tibet with Princess Jincheng and were responsible for the negotiation with Tibet.Pei Zhouxian,as a trusted follower of Emperor Ruizong of Tang,was sent to Tibet when the relationship between Tang and Tibet was tense during the Jingyun years to eliminate suspicion between the two countries and promote the harmonious relationship between Tang and Tibet."The Epitaph of Gan Yuanjian" provides a new material for understanding the situation in the western region from Emperor Gaozong of Tang to The Zhou Dynasty,the relationship between Tang and Turk,and the relationship between Tang and Tibet.Kan Yuanjian has a close relationship with Pei Xingjian.In the first year(679)of the Turk rebellion,Pei Xingjian proposed to Emperor Gaozong of Tang to choose the citizens of Tang Dynasty to serve as the prefectural governor of the Liuhu County,and recommended Kan Yuanjian as one of the prefectural governor of Saizhou,and then most citizens of Tang Dynasty in the Liu Hu County are both civil and military.After the rise of Tibet,they competed with Tang in the northwest and southwestern areas.Combining with the Han Tibetan literature and "The Epitaph of Kan Yuanjian",we can see that during the Chang'an years of the Zhou Dynasty,Tibet had seduced the clans of the southwest invade the Sichuan area.At the same time,according to the epitaph and related historical materials,it can be concluded that the record in "The Year of The Great Event" in Tibetan historical document of Dunhuang,kam keng,who was envoyed to Tibet as an ambassador of the Tang Dynasty in 703 A.D.,is exactly Kan Yuanjian.As a marriage envoy sent by Tang Dynasty,whose mission is to coordinate relations between the two countries and to discuss matters of marriage between the two countries.Kan Yuanjian had a positive impact on the formulation of the policy of goodwill for Tibet during the Emperor Zhongzong period of Tang Dynasty."The Epitaph of Yuanshi" involves the relationship between Tang and Tibet.The epitaph indicates that Tang and Tibet had a long-term struggle in Yaozhou and Xizhou in the southwestern region between the period of Emperor Gaozong in the Yonglong years and the Zhou Dynasty.The final result of The War between Yaozhou and Xizhou was that the barbarians of the Xier River subdue to the Tibet in the first year of Yonglong years(680)in Emperor Gaozong of Tang,but not due to the fall of Anrong City in the traditional historical sources.The Tibet forces entered Yunnan were earlier than The War between Yaozhou and Xizhou,and should be in the reign of Yonghui years in Emperor Gaozong of Tang(650-655).The Tibet invaded Sichuan and Yunnan was carried out by two armies,instead of going south to Yunnan along western Sichuan."The Epitaph of Fan Kankan" recorded that Fan Kankan is closely related to the frontier situation from Emperor Gaozong to the early period of Kaiyuan in Emperor Xuanzong in Tang Dynasty.It involves the relationship between Tang and Turk,Liao Dynasty,Tibet,and the barbarians of the Xier River.In order to guard against Turk and Liao Dynasty,the Tang Dynasty set up multiple town troops in Hebei area.The Wuhui army contained in the epitaph was stationed near Wuhui Ridge,which was the main road that the Turk has to pass by on the way to the south,which was not included in the history books.The Yuyang Army was stationed at Yuyang in Youzhou,and later changed to the Jingsai Army instead of the mighty army in Tanzhou.In the early years of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang,Tibet had invaded the Jiannan area jointly with the barbarians of the Xier River.This was caused by the troops sent by Li Zhigu to Yaozhou during the Jingyun years in Emperor Ruizong of Tang.The friendly situation between Tang and Tibet formed since the Divine Dragon Alliance of Emperor Zhongzong of Tang was gradually broken down during the reign of Emperor Ruizong.The war between Tang and Tibet broke out again and the peace between Tang and Tibet ended in the Kaiyuan period.Kang Taihe was a favourite Sogdian general of Emperor Xuanzong in Tang Dynasty.He had been in the guard system for a long time,participated in many wars between Tang and Tibet,and pacified the rebellion of Tibet and Liao Dynasty in Northeast China in the 21 years of Kaiyuan period in Tang Dynasty(733).During the Xuanzong period of Tang Dynasty,there were frequent wars between Tang and Tibet,and a number of Sogdian generals were active in the front line of Tang and Tibet.In the Tang Dynasty,there were two "Chiling",one was the place where the Tang and Tibet boundary was built,which is today's Riyue mountain in Qinghai Province.The other was the military stronghold in Taozhou under the control of the Tang army,named "Chiling Garrison",which could not be confused.As a move of Tang Dynasty to resettle the Tuyuhun tribe,Hemen Mansion is different from Jimi Prefecture and Zhechong Mansion.As a Jimi Prefecture,Hemen mansion was founded in the third year(672)of Xianheng,Emperor Gaozong of Tang Dynasty,it was located in Nanshan,Liangzhou instead of Menyuan,Qinghai.It first appeared in the form of Hemen Prefecture,and was upgraded to mansion in the third year(700)of Shengli,Zhou Dynasty.After the second year(764)of Guangde,Emperor Daizong of Tang,Liangzhou was moved to Yanzhou to settle Li Ruxian's followers in Tang Dynasty.In the middle of the Yifeng years of Emperor Gaozong,another Hemen mansion appeared in Yanzhou was Zhechong mansion instead of Jimi Prefecture.As the Hemen mansion of Jimi Prefecture,the process of its establishment and relocation is closely related to the relationship between Tang and Tibet,reflecting the struggle for the members of Tuyuhun between Tang and Tibet and the change of management policy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Epitaph, Sogdian, Tibet, The relationship between Tang and Tibet, ethnic relationship in Tang Dynasty
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