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Space As Sculpture ——A Study Of Isamu Noguchi's Landscape Idea And Practice

Posted on:2022-01-13Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H KangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485306566492494Subject:Enterprise Economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The developing direction of today's form of garden is diversified and innovative,reflecting the economic,social and cultural value behind.With the emphasis on garden culture in recent years,more and more scholars began to conduct in-depth research on it,and domestic colleges and universities also increased related courses.Among the various garden styles,Isamu Noguchi developed a unique kind of art which intervene space from the perspective of sculpture.As a result his design idea is worth studying.Based on an in-depth understanding of Noguchi's artistic views,this paper starts with the research on experimental sculptures in the early years of his career and the gardens design in his old age,recombines historical documents and works,and expresses my views and opinions on Noguchi's art theory.A series of gardens made by Noguchi in his old age seem to have a new perspective on sculpture and modern gardens.“Everything is sculpture.” he says.“Any material or idea conceived in the universe without hindrance It can be thought of as sculpture.Space as sculpture”.In the dual context of western sculpture and Oriental traditional garden,this paper further examines the relationship between plastic arts and nature,and combines the special relationship between the Mr.Noguchi and me,so as to further understand the significance of Noguchi's artistic works and their enlightenment to contemporary garden.At the same time,through the research and practical case analysis of modern sculpture,garden and landscape,this paper tries to find the fusion point of "sculpture and garden" and discusses the new direction of both.This paper is made up of four parts.The first part is mainly to sort out the life story and historical materials of Noguchi,making a comprehensive introduction to his art experience and thoughts.The second part mainly discusses the sculptures of Noguchi,focusing on the changes of Noguchi's design concept,form and technique of sculpture in different periods,expounding his special sculpture language as well as his change of interest from individual sculptures to spatial sculptures.The third part summarizes his feature of small-scale space design through Noguchi's practice in the field of stage setting.The fourth part is the core part of the paper,focusing on the garden design of Noguchi.The garden part mainly reflects on the Oriental culture,the space concept,the sculpture scale and the actual case analysis,and evaluates Noguchi's garden with the core idea of "space is sculpture".At the same time,this part discussed the significance of Noguchi's art theory,practice in the present and the enlightenment left to future generation.In the conclusion part,the thesis summarizes the trend of treating gardens as sculpture.Its purpose is to show the new direction and artistic status of contemporary gardening art.
Keywords/Search Tags:Isamu Noguchi, Sculpture, Garden, Landscape, Space
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