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The Exploratory Construction Of Chinese Modern Prose Narratology

Posted on:2021-10-31Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J P SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485306524966159Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Narrative" is a basic way for the art of language to master the world.Chinese Modern Prose Narratology is an unexplored and unconstructed study that specifically discusses the "narrative" problem of Chinese Modern Prose.The original intention of this article is to try to construct Chinese Modern Prose Narratology.To this end,on the basis of reading through the classic works of Chinese Modern Prose,the author comprehensively adopts research methods such as narratology,stylistics,and hermeneutics,focusing on the basic questions of "who is narrating" and "how to narrate".Then,starting from the five aspects of "narrative subject","narrative angle","narrative form","narrative language" and "narrative method",we strive to better combine text reading,narrative analysis and theoretical interpretation,focusing on discrimination and summary the narrative characteristics and narrative strengths of modern prose.From this,we summarize and construct a preliminary Chinese Modern Prose Narratology.Prose narratology should first solve the problem of "who is narrating"."Narrative subject" mainly discusses the complex relationship,combination form and narrative function of prose authors,narrators and narrative subjects.The narrative subjects of Chinese Modern Prose generally have three common forms: author,narrator,and author-narrator combination,correspondingly forming three narrative modes:self-narrative,sub-narrative,and co-narrative.The subjective consciousness of the narrative also has rational,emotional,and subconscious levels.Various factors are intermingled.Prose narratology should also focus on solving the problem of "how to narrate",including the main issues such as narrative angle,narrative form,narrative language and narrative method.The "narrative angle" explores the three issues of narrative person,narrative perspective and narrative focus,focusing on the analysis of the observation methods and thinking characteristics of prose narrative;modern prose mainly focuses on the first person,limited knowledge perspective and internal focusing narrative,and also makes good use of other persons,perspective and focusing method.The "narrative form" involves the narrative structure,narrative order and narrative rhythm,and focuses on solving the problem of the layout of the prose and the orderly composition of the chapter.The "narrative language" explores the interrelationship between modern Chinese and prose changes,and analyzes the discourse characteristics of modernity,nationality,and individuality of Chinese Modern Prose,as well as the narrative characteristics of main styles such as gossip,dialogue,monologue,and conductor.The "narrative method" explores the combination and blending of specific expressions such as narrative,description,lyricism,argumentation,and explanation,as well as the narrative characteristics of the three types of prose of narrative,lyrical,and argumentative.Starting from the perspective of narratology and conducting concrete research on Chinese Modern Prose,not only can discover a series of new problems in prose research,but also can open up a new landscape of prose research,and promote the refinement,deepening and scholasticization of prose research.This research prospect is very broad.
Keywords/Search Tags:Modern Prose, Narratology, Narrative Subject, Narrative Method
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