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Research On The Economy And Society Of Binh Dinh Province,vietnam From The 17th Century To The 19th Century

Posted on:2022-05-25Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:G C N G U Y E N C O N G Full Text:PDF
GTID:1485306347988609Subject:History - Ancient Chinese History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the time of the Ming and Qing dynasties,China and Vietnam were the two countries that had an intimate relationship.During this time,the politics,culture and economy of Vietnam continued to embrace or be strongly influenced by China.For the study of Binh Dinh Province in Vietnam of this thesis,the acquisition and influence from China are shown in many aspects.In the seventeenth-nineteenth century,the economy and society of Binh Dinh province were regarded as a typical picture that reflected the economy and society of Vietnam.During this time,many events in the history of Binh Dinh Province were typical events of Vietnam's national history.On the other hand,many economic and social issues in Binh Dinh province in the twelfth-nineteenth century have not been clarified or agreed between researchers.Therefore,research on the economy and society of Binh Dinh province in the seventeenth-nineteenth century not only clarifies the local history of Binh Dinh province but also contributes to clarifying the development and changes of Vietnam.Based on the existing source material,this thesis restores the real and comprehensive picture of the economic and social situation of Binh Dinh province from the seventeenth century to the nineteenth century,specifically as follows:Regarding the historical context that affected the economy and society of Binh Dinh province in the seventeenth-nineteenth century,the thesis analyzes factors such as geographical location,changes in administrative boundaries,natural conditions and traffic advantages of Binh Dinh;gives an overview of the economy and society of Binh Dinh province before the seventeenth century and the and Vietnam's political,economic,social,cultural situation in the seventeenth-nineteenth century.Regarding the government bureaucracy of Binh Dinh province and the organization of economic and social management of the government bureaucracy of Binh Dinh province in the seventeenth-nineteenth century,the thesis mainly prensents and analyzes the system of administrative bodies and military organizations over the periods;the economic and social management of Binh Dinh province government that is shown in many aspects,in which the thesis focuses on analyzing issues such as the management of the Binh Dinh province government towards ethnic minorities in mountainous provinces of Binh Dinh as well as commercial relation management between the mountains and the plains in Binh Dinh,management and defense of the coast,management of commercial activities,ships,and people coming and going at the estuaries and ports.Regarding the land regime and agricultural economy of Binh Dinh province in the seventeenth-nineteenth centuries,the thesis deeply analyzes the situation of agricultural production,parts of the land,the "struggle" between public land parts and private land parts,equal-field policy in Binh Dinh province in 1839,thereby clarifying the characteristics,roles,and its influence on the life and agrarian uprisings in Binh Dinh.Regarding the commercial and non-agricultural economy of Binh Dinh province in the seventeenth-nineteenth century:Regarding internal trade,mainly researches on the formation,operation,and development of the market system,"towns",commercial ports and urban areas,researches on the force of traders,means of transporting goods,sources of supplying goods,goods prices,and trade relations between localities in Binh Dinh province;Foreign trade mainly researches on trading activities with Chinese traders;Non-agricultural economics includes research on the cottage industry,forestry,fisheries,and husbandry industries.The development of commerce and the non-agricultural economy made Binh Dinh province become the center of goods and commerce of Vietnam,contributing to improving the material life of Binh Dinh people.Regarding the origin,ethnic groups,and population changes of Binh Dinh province and their life in the seventeenth-nineteenth century,the thesis analyzes the origin,ethnic groups and population changes in Binh Dinh,deeply research on the causes of the outbreak,development,and characteristics of the peasant struggle movement and people classes against the Nguyen feudalism in Binh Dinh,including the Tay Son peasant movement in the eighteenth century and struggle movement of the H're people in the nineteenth century.The thesis attaches special importance to clarify the issues such as the career of the Tay Son,the fight between the Tay Son and Nguyen Anh forces in Binh Dinh,the life of the people in Binh Dinh province in the Tay Son period and the Nguyen period.The thesis also deeply researches and clarifies some aspects of the socio-economy of Binh Dinh province in the seventeenth-nineteenth century such as:Ideologies and Religions,Education Confucianism,material culture,and spiritual culture of Binh Dinh residents,the role of Binh Dinh province in the formation of the national language of Vietnam,the Chinese community in Binh Dinh.From the research on the economy and society of Binh Dinh province in the seventeenth-nineteenth century,it can be drawn the following outstanding features and roles:in the seventeenth-nineteenth century,Binh Dinh province was one of the leading commodity and commercial centers of Vietnam;Binh Dinh province was the place of the outbreak,the base of the Tay Son peasant uprising,also the capital of the central government of the emperor Nguyen Nhac.It was also the places of many fierce battles between Tay Son and Nguyen Anh forces;Binh Dinh province was the only locality in Vietnam that the Nguyen dynasty allowed to carry out the Quan Dien policy in 1839.Therefore,in the nineteenth century,Binh Dinh province was the only locality that had two Land Register Books(Land Register Book in 1815 and Land Register Book in 1839);in the economy and society of Binh Dinh province in the seventeenth-nineteenth century,the Chinese played a particularly important role;Binh Dinh province was the original land of Buddhism of the Lam Te lineage in Southern Vietnam;Binh Dinh province was the place where Christianity was introduced early and strongly developed,playing an important role in the formation of the Vietnamese national alphabet.
Keywords/Search Tags:from the 17th century to the 19th century, Vietnam, Binh Dinh province, economy, society
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