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Research On Rites Of The Tang Dynasty

Posted on:2022-06-17Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485306341972289Subject:China Ancient History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the Han Dynasty,the academic nature of Rites has gradually formed a study of the three Conflucian rites.The practicality of rites promotes the wide combination of rites and social system.This paper takes the study of rites in the Tang Dynasty as the topic,and expounds the development of the study of rites in the Tang Dynasty and its application in various systems.Based on the investigation of the development and application of the study of rites,this paper summarizes the development and characteristics of the study of rites in the Tang Dynasty,and further explores the practical effect of the social function of the study of rites on the society of the Tang Dynasty.Li Tang Dynasty established the cultural and educational policy of advocating Confucianism and promoting rites and music at the beginning of its founding,and began to sort out the achievements of Confucian classics annotation since Han Dynasty.The unification of Confucian classics and learning in the early Tang Dynasty is the largest academic integration since the Han Dynasty.In the process of the unification of Confucian classics,the study of rites took Kong Yingda's book of Li Ji Zheng Yi,Jia Gongyan's Zhou Li Shu and Yi Li Shu as the final results.On the basis of not breaking Zheng's annotations,they compromised and reformed the study of rites between the north and the south,unified the interpretation of Confucian classics annotations and the thought of rites since the Han,Wei and Northern and Southern Dynasties,and laid the foundation for the development of the study of rites in the Tang Dynasty.However,not all scholars agree that Kong and Jia's comments.Wei Zheng,Ma Jiayun and Wang xuandu were the first to make trouble.Yuan Xingchong inherited Wei Zheng's attitude towards the study of rites,and pushed this question to the height of questioning the study of chapters and sentences.His questioning attitude towards the study of Confucian classics,together with Liu Zhiji,Xu Jian and Wei Zhigu,was not only valuable at that time,but also enlightening the later emergence of the thought of doubting Confucian classics.After the An-Shi rebellion,the change of society led to the change of academic atmosphere.The rise of the new school of Spring and Autumn broke the tradition of exegesis in Han and Tang Dynasties,and challenged the authority of classics.Han Yu and Li Ao,the promoters of the classical literary movement,started from "nature" and "emotion",rediscovered the thoughts of "sincerity","middle way"and "sincerity" in The Great Learning and The Doctrine of Mean in the book of Li Ji,reconstructed the Confucian theory of mind and nature,and promoted the rise of Neo Confucianism in Song Dynasty.The Tang Dynasty is an important stage in the history of Confucian classics from Han to Song Dynasty.In addition to the implementation of cultural and educational policies,the Tang Dynasty actively promoted the institutionalization of rites.In Tang Dynasty,the study of rites had a close relationship with education,imperial examination,etiquette and law,and played an important role in the social rule.The development of Confucian classics education and imperial examination in Tang Dynasty promoted the cultivation and selection of ritual talents.The need of ritual system construction and the effective implementation of ritual system also explored and created practical ritual talents who were familiar with the evolution of etiquette and the current etiquette system.In the process of long-term participation in the discussion,consultation,formulation and implementation of ritual system,ritual officials are constantly enriching their knowledge and accomplishment of ritual,and gradually growing into professionals.There are different types of ritual works in Tang Dynasty.The works of ritual reflect the research results and thoughts of ritual.The works of ritual record the evolution of ritual system in different periods of Tang Dynasty."Public rites" and "private rites" are the two main aspects of the works of Yizhu."Public rites" is a kind of ritual code and ritual book with legal effect,which can be used together with ritual code and code."private rites" is closer to the common people's life in Tang Dynasty,which is a very important reference for us to understand the folk etiquette and customs in Tang Dynasty.The talent of the study of rites is an important promoter of the development of the study of rites in the Tang Dynasty.The works of the study of rites show the achievements of the study of rites.It shows us the evolution of the study of rites in the Tang Dynasty from the academic,institutional,ideological and other aspects.The education system of Tang Dynasty includes official school(central and local),private school,family school and so on.In the early Tang Dynasty,the official education system with the temple school system as the core was established.The temple school contains two functions:teaching and educating people and respecting teachers and sages.From the perspective of rites,the former is mainly reflected in the teaching of rites,while the latter shows the holding and learning of various rites related to education.In the physical space,the official school and Temple School combined the education space with the etiquette space.While imparting the Confucian knowledge,they also consolidated and strengthened the status of the Confucian ideology through the ritual of offering sacrifices to Confucius and respecting teachers.It was the implementation of the cultural and educational policy of respecting sages and Confucianism in the Tang Dynasty in the field of education.The teaching of Li Jing is also an important part of private education.After the establishment of the ritual program,the content of private professors has been adjusted accordingly.The education of rites and the transmission of rites are also the important contents of family rites,and the aristocratic families are able to maintain the family for a long time because of their good family tradition and inheritance of family law.The imperial examination system in Tang Dynasty was accompanied by the education system,and the study of rites was also the focus of imperial examination.The imperial examination focused on the study of rites in the following aspects:sutras,questions,taxes and judgments.On the one hand,the students' familiarity with the Scriptures and their mastery of the meaning of the scriptures can be examined by means of Sutra pasting,asking,testing and judging.On the other hand,the students' ability to solve practical problems can be examined.Among them,the trial judgment is an important part of the official selection system in the Tang Dynasty.The Tang people left a large number of imperial examinations to be judged,which were made to simulate the imperial examination and the civil service examination.There are many contents related to the book of rites and the ritual system of the Tang Dynasty,which can be summarized as the ritual judgment.The essence of rites judgment is to reflect the value orientation of Tang court to carry forward rites and integrate rites into law through the judgment of issues related to "Rites".Li Ke is a new situation of the imperial examination system in the middle and late Tang Dynasty.Li branch includes"Three Li"branch and "Kaiyuan Li" branch,which was set up in Zhenyuan period of Dezong.The establishment of Li branch is a part of the policy of advocating Li in Dezong,which aims to enhance the imperial power and stabilize the rule by strengthening Li.The examination methods and admission standards of "Three Etiquettes" and"Kaiyuan Etiquettes" are different.As a more professional examination subject,rites tends to select professionals with rites literacy,and has certain advantages in the official selection system,which plays a positive role in the development of rites,the restoration of rites,the stability of social order and the maintenance of imperial power in the middle and late Tang Dynasty.Imperial examination system and education system in Tang Dynasty were born together,and ritual science was also the focus of imperial examination.The examination of etiquette in imperial examination focuses on the examination of calligraphy,consultation,examination,taxation and trial judgment.Through the post,question,trial and trial judgment,on the one hand,the students' familiarity with the Scriptures and the mastery of the meaning of the classics are examined,on the other hand,the ability of the students to solve the actual problems.Among them,trial judgment is an important part of the system of official selection in Tang Dynasty.Tang people left a large number of imperial examinations to judge,which was made for simulating imperial examination and examination of imperial examination.There are many contents in these judgments,which are related to the ritual scriptures and the etiquette system of Tang Dynasty,which we conclude as the ritual judgments.The essence of the ritual judgment is to reflect the value orientation of the Tang Dynasty to carry forward the etiquette and religion and integrate the rites into the law through the judgment on the issues related to"Rites".The ritual department is a new situation in the imperial examination system in the middle and late Tang Dynasty.The imperial examination subjects of rites include"Three Etiquettes" and "Kaiyuan Etiquettes",which were established during the period of Zhengyuan of Dezong.The establishment of imperial examination subject is a part of the policy of advocating rites by virtue,aiming at enhancing the imperial power and stabilizing the rule by strengthening the ceremony.The examination methods and acceptance standards of "Three Etiquettes" and "Kaiyuan Etiquettes" subjects are different.As a more professional subject,the imperial examination projects tend to select special talents with etiquette and learning quality,and have certain advantages in the system of selecting officials,which are the development of etiquette in the middle and later Tang Dynasty,the restoration of etiquette system,the stability of social order and the exertion of imperial power It has a positive effect.The system of rites in the Tang Dynasty was based on the rites of the sages,referring to the examples of the previous dynasties,combined with the needs of the actual rule.The implementation and improvement of the system recorded in the Rites has always been the direction of Confucian officials.In the Tang Dynasty,on the basis of the three categories and three grades of Zhou Rites,the category of "holding sacrificial rites in Confucius Temple" was added to the category of "four categories and three grades".In fact,the sages and teachers also belong to the category of "human and ghost",which was independent in order to cooperate with the construction of the temple education system.At the same time,on the basis of the ancient rites of the previous dynasties,the Tang Dynasty continued to adjust the objects and levels of sacrifice on the one hand,and on the other hand tried to embed the new rites added by the current Dynasty into it,forming a set of national sacrificial system with distinct characteristics of the times.After examining the changes of seasonal rites and the texts of monthly decrees in Han and Tang Dynasties,we can see that there is a tradition of changing the monthly decrees in combination with the ritual system of the dynasty.Taizong of Tang Dynasty has made a preliminary attempt to revise Yue Ling when he edited Zhenguanli.The text of the month order in the seasonal ceremony in the Kaiyuan Etiquettes is the retention of the month order in the Zhenguan period.On the basis of the large-scale deletion of Liji month order,combined with the ritual system in the early Tang Dynasty,the contemporary month order is formed.It was not until Xuanzong himself wrote the month order of Liji that the system of month order of Tang Dynasty was finally completed.Yueling in the Tang Dynasty,because it is embedded in the current etiquette system of the Tang Dynasty,has strong practicability,so its communication power and influence are relatively large.The appearance of Tang Yueling and its substitution for Liji Yueling are the expression of practicality and secularization of classics,as well as the reflection of classics of Tang Dynasty.The changes of family structure in Tang Dynasty,the need of legal sentencing under the trend of integration of etiquette and law,and the praise of Confucian filial piety promoted the court to establish a clearer,more orderly and broader kinship relationship.The funeral dress system of the Tang Dynasty was adjusted and improved by deleting,changing,adding and upgrading the funeral dress system on the basis of Yili·funeral dress,and finally reached the five dress system in Kaiyuan Li of the Tang Dynasty.In Tang Dynasty,the reform of clothing system promoted the level of women's clothing system as a whole,expanded the scope of relatives,and reflected the strong political nature.The system of mourning is not only the standard of mourning in Tang Dynasty,but also the yardstick of sentencing and division of rights and obligations.It is not limited to the use of funerals by families or family members,but has become a rule of universal social significance.At the institutional level,the Tang Dynasty finally completed the historical process of "introducing etiquette into law".In the Tang Dynasty,the law making followed the principle of "morality and propriety are the foundation of politics and religion".It not only quoted or used propriety scriptures to regulate and explain the law in the content of the law,but also permeated the patriarchal and hierarchical concepts of propriety,such as "different noble and low","do not be close to each other" in spirit.At the same time,the etiquette system of Tang Dynasty was recognized and guaranteed by law.There are various forms of law in Tang Dynasty,so the relationship between ritual and law can also be examined from a more detailed perspective,such as ritual and law,ritual and order,ritual and form,ritual and case.It is the basic principle of the Tang Dynasty law revision that "one criterion is propriety,and one thinks that it is in and out".By"introducing propriety into law",propriety can play its social function of maintaining social order and ethical order,and can make good use of propriety to regulate the conflict between human feelings and law,so as to achieve "propriety and law without loss" to the greatest extent.The relationship between order and style and the current etiquette system in Tang Dynasty is more close,and the compilation of etiquette codes in Tang Dynasty mostly takes part in order and style.Therefore,the restoration and research of order and style can better understand the operation mode and evolution track of etiquette system in Tang Dynasty.The order of Tang Dynasty shows the characteristics of "accepting the etiquette and entering the order".The revised etiquette system of Tang Dynasty is legalized by means of "amending the order of etiquette","changing the order from the etiquette" or changing the order to attend the meeting,which has become the basic criterion to guide official and even folk etiquette activities.The development of the study of rites in Tang Dynasty has distinct characteristics of the times.In the process of development,the teaching and learning of Li Jing gradually become customized,the examination of Li learning knowledge and the selection of Li learning talents become more and more professional,the contradiction between "learning from the ancients" and "regulating according to the time" is balanced in the Li system,and the spirit of Li is fully integrated in the legal system.All in all,the study of rites in Tang Dynasty not only flourished in the academic field,but also was widely used in all aspects of the dynasty system and played an important role in the political rule.
Keywords/Search Tags:The culture of Tang Dynasty, Three Etiquettes, The study of Rites, Etiquette system
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