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On Marx's Aesthetic Thought

Posted on:2021-11-18Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485306197484734Subject:Marxist philosophy
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The free and comprehensive development of human beings,the generation and improvement of human nature are the core philosophical themes of Marxist philosophy.Marx points to this core issue in his critique of economics and philosophy of capitalist alienation of labor,his political and philosophical deconstruction of conspiracy between capital and economy,and the determination of historical materialism that communism must achieve.It is in the ideological process of pursuing human freedom and liberation that Marx completes the historical materialist construction of the full and rich perceptual humanity and the free subject,and also clearly expresses the aesthetic thought based on specific human nature.The idea of "the law of beauty",the idea of "beauty created by labor",the "ears of music" and the "formal beauty eyes" etc.specifically expresses the core of his aesthetic thoughts.Based on the aesthetic thought of specific human nature theory,Marx sublimates the perceptual activities into the ontological foundation of aesthetic activities,responds to the metaphysical dilemma of traditional aesthetic concepts,solves the materialist problems of modern aesthetics,and truly Introduces aesthetics into the ideological situation of changing the world and realizing the complete and free emancipation of mankind.Marx's aesthetic thought regards the process of creating beauty as the content of aesthetics,also revives the established relationship between aesthetics and survival and development,and fundamentally changes the aesthetic paradigm of duality between beauty and aesthetics.In this sense,this article expands the study of Marx's aesthetic thoughts,with a view to exploring the thought path and practical wisdom of aesthetic return.Aesthetics is not only the emotional touch of beauty to people,but also the subject's response to beauty.Aesthetics is about people's psychology,senses,emotions and imagination.It is a guide to the soul and morality.It has irreplaceable significance to the concept of human life,the understanding of existence,and the pursuit of value.However,the fact that the aesthetics of modernity perishes,the popular enjoyment,the abstraction of alienation,and the objectiveness of commodification have detrimental to the person's aesthetic ability,materialized the person's aesthetic experience,weakened the person's aesthetic criticism,thus creating an opportunity for the logic control of capital and ideological control.Following the thought process of aesthetic concepts,regaining the foundation of aesthetic humanity,reconstructing the logic of aesthetic experience,and recording the ideal values of aesthetics have become important issues for contemporary people to face aesthetic dilemmas,while digging out aesthetic meanings,and generating aesthetic ability are also to be solved in the study of Marx 's aesthetic thinking.Because Marx's aesthetic thought requires us not only to pay attention to the essence of beauty reflected by aesthetic objects,but also to the ability of aesthetic subjects to feel beauty itself.The aesthetic concept of Marxist historical materialism is to create an aesthetic practice paradigm in the sense of human existence and development and self-understanding,instead of splitting the aesthetic paradigm of the two activities of creating beauty and feeling beauty again.In short,Marx 's aesthetic thought has truly stepped out of the traditional metaphysical ideological foundation,and built a tower of criticism of the reality of capitalist society.At the same time,it has reached a dialectical unity of positive and negative understanding of capitalist modern society.Based on this,this article takes Marx's theory of human nature as the foundation,and examines how Marx responds to the realistic society and modern historical development logic with the criticism of aesthetic modernity,and how to realize the full liberation of mankind with aesthetic practice.From the academic combing of the study of Marx's aesthetic issues,this article establishes the research ideas.This article starts with the critique of Marx's criticism of the logical expression of capital against abstract human nature,takes the core concepts in his philosophical thought as the theoretical basis,takes his ideological and logical progress as the clue and the theoretical pursuit as the goal,and takes social reality as the background,carrying out in-depth thinking on aesthetic issues.Based on this,this article takes Marx's theory of human nature as the foundation,and discusses how Marx responded to the reality of society and modern historical development logic with the criticism of aesthetic modernity,and how to realize the complete liberation of human beings with aesthetic practice.As a result,the research thought of Marx's aesthetic thought with the history of ideological development as the premise,philosophical theory as the basis,and the development reality of the times as the background was formed.The thesis is divided into five chapters:The first chapter of the article is mainly to sort out the historical evolution of western aesthetic concepts,aiming to see through and grasp the inherent relationship between aesthetic subjects and the formation of human nature in different periods.Then,the article also locates aesthetics in the history of ideas,explores the ideological difficulties and practical dilemmas of traditional aesthetic concepts.The article holds that from ancient times to modern times,aesthetics has gone through the following stages: the subject being endowed with divinity,ideas and the form of God's focus leading to the self-lost of the aesthetic subject,forming the aesthetic materialization stage;the solidified aesthetic stage of the subject;and then the metaphysical aesthetic process of the subject's split of human nature,which combines real reason and abstract sensibility.In this way,the historical foundation of Marx's aesthetic thought is presented.The second chapter of the article is based on Marx's philosophical revolution and the reform of human nature view to analyze the revolution of Marx's aesthetic thought,revealing the "quasi nature" and "quasi characteristics" of human nature from the real meaning of perceptual activities,constructing the perceptual activities of specific human nature views;this chapter also focuses on perceptual activities to understand human existence and human development and the perceptual generation of aesthetic subjects is obtained in the base of human nature.Internally,an aesthetic principle based on human perceptual activity as an ontological foundation is opened,forming a unique dimension of the theoretical foundation of Marx's study of aesthetics and his own logical interpretation.The third chapter of the article mainly grasps the connotation of aesthetic thought from Marx's own theory,and constructs the internal logic of Marx's aesthetic thought with perceptual activities,history and free personality as the core concepts.As the foundation of aesthetic ontology,perceptual activities are no longer the subsidiary content of aesthetics,but constitute the internal links of aesthetics.Aesthetics not only reflects the "object consciousness" of people's real life process,but also the "self consciousness" about their state of existence and value pursuit.The generation of aesthetic intuition and personality is fundamentally a historical relationship.In comprehensively grasping the complex composition of human aesthetic activities,practical activities are not only a combination of human nature and free personality,but also an aesthetic free mood and constitute "a realistic and historical pursuit of man ".The fourth chapter of the article tries to construct Marx's aesthetic ideals in freedom,comprehensive liberation and development,and transcends the aesthetic concepts of ideology and psychology shaped by modern ideology from the aesthetic practice of "the law of beauty".In the interactive relationship between the dual attributes of man and the two-way construction of aesthetic relations,the internal norms of aesthetics are constructed to meet people's needs for aesthetics,and aesthetics is regarded as the essential dimension of human existence.It enables people to see the higher existence and ideal existence of human nature from the aesthetic links such as intuition,experience and empathy,and realizes the freedom and comprehensive development of the entire human society.The fifth chapter of the article responds to the contemporary era with a critique of modernity.Marx's aesthetic thought based on perceptual activities is also a critique of aesthetic modernity,which not only unfolds an important dimension of understanding the modernity of capitalism,but also has a profound impact on the evolution of contemporary Western aesthetic thought.Establishing a contemporary perspective of aesthetic practice through the critique of aesthetic modernity,and reconstructing the aesthetic modernity of modern society from the economic critique and social critique of the capitalist modern society's production relations is an important ideological reference for us to understand and grasp the contemporary aesthetic situation and development trend.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, aesthetics, practice, human nature, critique of modernity
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